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Q: Does time fly so fast in the morning?
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Related questions

How fast do hummingbird's fly?

humming birds fly so fast because they are so fast

Why do the years just seem to fly by so fast?

Time is but perception. If one perceives time as going fast than it "appears" to do so. When one is bored or waiting for something, time seems to slow as your perception slows as well.

Why do diamond doves fly fast so that they bump into things?

If they fly very fast, they might not seewhere they are going

When is the best time to fly so there is less air turbalance?

Morning is the time the air is the calmest. As the sun comes out, it heats up the ground and lakes and causes air to rise to create turbelance. Most test flights are flown early in the morning. Also most rocket launches are performed early in the morning.

Why do scarlet macaws fly so fast?

to aviod being eaten

How does the hummingbird move?

It moves it's wings so fast that it can fly!

Why does a falcon need to fly so fast?

It may be to hunt for food.

How fast are Snail's and Slugs on the night they is nothing and in the morning they are lots of them then in the afternoon they are gone again so how fast are they?

They are very slow

How Fast Can A Mirgrating Bald Eagle Fly?

its an american symbol; so not very

How do red-breasted mergansers fly so fast?

Fear is a great motivator.

What are the benefits of an airplane?

One is that they fly at well over 300mph, so they are very fast!

Can Falcons kill your cat?

yes because it can fly fast so they can fly down and grab the cat. They only fly down and grab your cat if she/he messes with them or their babies.