Yes, the letter "a" in the word "plane" is a long vowel sound, pronounced like "ay".
Yes, the word "plane" has a short e sound, pronounced as \plān.
No, "place" does not have a long "a" sound. The "a" is pronounced as a short vowel sound, like in the word "cat."
Play has a long 'a' sound, pronounced like "a" in the word "day".
Yes. The A has a long A sound and the E is silent. It rhymes with cane and pain.
Yes. The AI has the caret A long sound (ayr) and the A is long in plane, with a silent E.
No, it is not. The way to remember is if the vowel says its name, then it's a long vowel sound. In the world "plane," the A says its name. On the other hand, the word "plan" is a short vowel sound. You can see this with other words too: pine (long vowel-- the "i" says its name), but "pin" is a short vowel sound.
plane, crane (bird)
No. The E is silent in plane, where the A has a long A sound, as in "plain."
Yes. The A has a long A as in lane and pane.
Is the word wanted a long a sound or short a sound
The word "say" has a long vowel sound--specifically, the long "a" sound.