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yes! I took my son on a plane twice when he was a newborn. There is no harm to them. I found the best was to keep him calm during take off and landing was to breastfeed him. That was the sucking kept his ears feeling comfortable. Otherwise a bottle dummy of drink will do the same thing. Good luck!

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There will be discounts but you still need to get them airline tickets.

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Q: Does an infant need a airline ticket?
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How do you say airline ticket in german?

airline ticket = (der) Flugschein airline ticket = (die) Flugkarte airline ticket = (das) Flugticket

Can you show me the sample airline tickets?

you can find an example on wikipedia type in airline ticket and it will come up.

What are the requirements to ticket children at airline check in?

Each airline has it's own rules anrequirements, so you'd need to contact the airline that you plan to fly on.

How airline ticket purchased was used?

question makes no sense. call the airline you used the ticket on.

What is the salary of an airline ticket agent?

In the United States, the average yearly salary for an airline ticket agent is $33,670. Estimates show that there are almost 127,000 airline ticket agents in the U.S. alone.

If flight leaves at 1200 but want to leave at a later flight What is the cost?

You need to ask your airline. It depends on your ticket, available seating and the airline rules.

What information is printed on an airline ticket?

There are a variety of things that can be found on an airline ticket. Information such as passenger name, departure airport and destination airport as well as the dates of travel are all included on an airline ticket.

Whst percentage of an airline ticket is fuel?

A huge percentage of every airline ticket goes to fuel. However, the exact percentage depends on the airline and the price of the ticket. As much as 70% of the ticket price may go towards fuel costs.

What should you do if you lose your return ticket while traveling?

If you should lose your ticket while traveling you should immediately call the airline you are traveling with. You will need proof of identification. In a case where you can not be refunded for your ticket or have the ticket replaced you may need to purchase a new one.

Do you need an airline ticket before getting US visa?

i think so cuz wen i went 2 get a visa they wanted 2 see our airline tickets

What is the markup for an airline ticket?

25 %

Is airline tickets a product or service?

An airline ticket is permission to use a service.