It will be 4.00am the following day.
Sydney, Australia is 18 hours ahead of Los Angeles, California. If it is 6 AM in LA, it will be 12 PM in Sydney.
You will arrive on Sunday in Sydney if you depart on Friday from LA due to the time difference and the long flight duration.
In French, the city Sydney is considered feminine and would use the article "la" as in "la ville de Sydney."
In Sydney, Australia, the shortest day would be the 21st of June.In Sydney, Australia, the shortest day would be the 21st of June.In Sydney, Australia, the shortest day would be the 21st of June.In Sydney, Australia, the shortest day would be the 21st of June.In Sydney, Australia, the shortest day would be the 21st of June.In Sydney, Australia, the shortest day would be the 21st of June.In Sydney, Australia, the shortest day would be the 21st of June.In Sydney, Australia, the shortest day would be the 21st of June.In Sydney, Australia, the shortest day would be the 21st of June.In Sydney, Australia, the shortest day would be the 21st of June.In Sydney, Australia, the shortest day would be the 21st of June.
There is one Shangri-La Hotel in Sydney, Australia. It is located at 176 Cumberland Street, The Rocks NSW 2000, Sydney Australia. The Shangri-La Hotel is rated as a five star hotel.
Sydney es una ciudad situada en Australia. Por lo tanto, la nacionalidad de Sydney sería australiana.
Thomas Sydney Day was born on July 25, 1912.
Thomas Sydney Day died on February 19, 1985.