10811 KM
What is the distance from Sydney to Cancun by air?
The air distance between Sydney and Newcastle, Australia is 73 miles or 118 kilometres.
The distance is about 10,570 air miles.
About 15000 kms, in the air.
The distance between the two airports is about 7,530 air miles.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 2,060 air miles.
It is 921 km by road between Brisbane and Sydney. Air distance is 728 km.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 3,920 air miles.
The approximate distance between Sydney and Honolulu is 5,103 air miles.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 9,953 air miles.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 9,825 air miles.