It takes 10 hours and 42 minutes to get from London to Switzerland according to Google map's. The route has tolls, crosses through France and has various means of transport.
The driving distance from London, UK to Geneva, Switzerland is 983km
The total driving distance from London UK to Zurich Switzerland is 628 mi. A road trip from London UK to Zurich Switzerland would take about 10 hours 17 mins.
it's about 740 kilometres (but I don't know exactly...) =P
629 miles
The air distance from London, England, to Zurich, Switzerland, is 483 miles. That equals 777 kilometers or 420 nautical miles.
The distance between London and Reading is 38 miles
The driving distance from Geneva, Switzerland to Florence, Italy is about 385.34mi / 620.14km
Ukraine has ukrainian people and switzerland has german speakers.
The distance between Lancaster and London is roughly about 400km.
The distance between London and Guatemala City is 5,448 miles.
The distance between Málaga, Spain, and London, UK, is 1,043 miles, (1,679km).
The distance in road miles between Devon and London is approximately 200 miles.