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The advantages are it can take you up to space.The disadvantages are you are talking a risk to go to space.

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Some disadvantages of rockets include the fact that rockets require a lot of expensive fuel and are extremely unstable in some situations. Rockets are also expensive to build and to launch.

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What are the 2 disadvantages of liquid fueled rockets?

It takes you to space and its cool

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Rockets are expensive and it is not reusable..... okie?.... :)Fermianxsz! Mabuhay!!!! :))

What are the disadvantages of a single stage rocket?

Some disadvantages of a single-stage rocket are limited payload capacity due to carrying all necessary fuel and oxidizer at once, lower efficiency compared to multi-stage rockets, and shorter flight range. Additionally, single-stage rockets may not be able to reach high-altitude or escape Earth's gravity well as effectively as multi-stage rockets.

What are the disadvantages of rocket launching?

Some disadvantages of rocket launching include high costs associated with building and launching rockets, potential environmental impact from rocket exhaust, and the risk of accidents or failures during launch that can result in significant loss of life and resources. Additionally, launching rockets requires a significant amount of fuel and can contribute to air pollution.

What are some advantages and dis advantages of the rocket?

rockets have more disadvantages than advantages rockets are extremely inefficient they consume enormous amounts of fuel, and most still use liquid propellant which is hard to find in space, they do however have a huge thrust to weight ratio

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Rockets - Rockets album - was created in 1976.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of rockets and developing new fuels?

Advantages of rockets include high speed, ability to carry heavy payloads, and potential for space exploration. Disadvantages include high cost, environmental impact of rocket launches, and limited reusability. Developing new fuels for rockets can lead to improved efficiency, lower costs, and reduced environmental impact. However, challenges may include ensuring safety, scalability of production, and compatibility with existing rocket technologies.

Where can rockets go?

rockets can go is where rockets can go

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the rockets the rockets the rockets

What are three main types of rockets that power modern spacecrafts?

Three main types of rockets that power modern spacecrafts are liquid-propellant rockets, solid-propellant rockets, and hybrid rockets. Liquid-propellant rockets use liquid fuel and oxidizer, solid-propellant rockets use solid fuel and oxidizer mixed together, and hybrid rockets use a combination of solid and liquid propellants.

What are the disadvantges of rocket?

Some disadvantages of rockets include high cost of development and production, limited payload capacity, reliance on fossil fuels which can be environmentally harmful, and the potential hazards of handling and storing rocket fuels. Additionally, rockets are not reusable for the most part, leading to high costs for each launch.

What is the difference between water rockets and modern rockets?

Water rockets use water and air modern rockets use thrust and oxygen.