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A bar yes, but no bottles are aloud.

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Q: Can you take bar soap on a plane?
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I get smaller every time I take a shower - What am I?

You are a bar of soap!

What is bar soap?

Soap shaped as bar

Is eating soap dangerous?

Just pick up a bar of soap in your supermarket and take a read of the ingredients.

how long does it take for bar soap to dissolve?

Bar soap typically dissolves within a few minutes when exposed to running water. The exact time can vary depending on the brand and composition of the soap.

How do you turn hard bar soap into soft soap?

- Liquid soap (a soap prepared with potassium hydroxide) cannot be turned in solid soap. It is prepared especially to be liquid.- Melted soap (prepared with sodium hydroxide) can be solidified after adding a small quantity of sodium chloride and by cooling to room temperature.

Can you take soap in hand luggage?

Liquid soap they will allow in your hand luggage if it is a mini bottle. They will not allow a big bottle on the flight. Also, a bar of soap should not be problematic.

Is a soap bar a mixture?

Soap is a mixture.

How many grams does a bar of soap weigh?

The weight of a bar of soap can vary depending on the brand, size, and type of soap. Typically, a standard bar of soap weighs around 100-200 grams.

Is liquid hand soap in pump more expensive than bar soap?

liquid soap is more bar soap lasts longer...

I need a bar graph on which soap is better. Liquid or bar soap?

liquid soap is better because who wants to use someone old nasty bar soap with all of that sick sweat for other people not me

What is the history of soap carving?

a carving into a bar of soap

Is dove bar soap ivory soap?
