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It depends, some military jets have enough thrust power that they can fly straight up without falling, but if commercial airplanes attempt this, they will slow down and stall within a few seconds

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Q: Can a jet fly vertically up and for how long?
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At what altitudes do jet planes fly?

It really depends on what the size of the jets. The Airlines fly from 32,000 to 38,000 feet.Normal Jet Planes fly at about 30,000 feetMilitary Jet planes fly anywhere from 100 feet all the way up to 80,000 (Some do go higher but those are for special occasions)

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This depends on the size of the aircraft. Long range jets can travel up to 6,500 while smaller jets fly around 1500 miles.

How can a plain be able to fly?

The Airplane can fly because it has powerful jet turbines on the wings that have the capacity to be able to lift up.

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A harrier is a jump jet- it can take off straight up and land straight down or make a really short take off or landing on a runway. It cant hold a lot of fuel so it can fly for too long.

How fast can a 747 jet fly?

Up to 570 mph or 920 km/h

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Jet planes normally fly in the stratosphere because the air is thinner at higher altitudes, which reduces drag on the aircraft and allows it to operate more efficiently. Additionally, flying at this altitude helps to avoid bad weather conditions and turbulence commonly found in the lower atmosphere.

In gta vice city how do you get on to a jambo jet?

You first need to have a jet which you cannot.You can only fly a sea plane in the game.You can fly it using lean up and down keys.Use forward key to power up and steer with the steer keys.You can find the sea plane at the film studio.

How does an airplane or a jet Fly?

The plane's wings are tilted upwards a little bit, so when the wind his it it pushes it up.

How high does the airbus a380 fly?

Up to 41,000 feet, like most other large jet aircraft.

How long can a swan fly?

A swan can fly up to 822 hours.

How can you rank up your jet in Battlefield 3?

To rank up your jet, just keep flying the jet and killing other jets. You will rank up vehicle rank. its hard! You can always also kill ground units, or get extremely good and drive over people with it. have some one fly you and get passenger bounes

How long can a tornado fly with out having to fuel up?

There are a lot of factors that go into range on any jet. How much weight or payload is onboard, whether or not they use afterburners, flying with the jetsteam or against it. In most cases you can probably expect about two hours. I think the jet is rated at 600 miles but regardless of rated range all of the factors above have a direct impact on how long it can stay up there.