Flight departure is usually refered to as the time when the plane or flight leaves. For example, if the plane left at 4:30 in the afternoon, the flight departure time would be 4:30pm.
He arrived at the departure gate on time and his flight was still waiting to be boarded.
At least 3 hours before the flight departure time.
if your heading east to cuba and cross a time zone it would become one hour later than your departure point. same principle going the other way, but in reverse. not actual flight time, but times of arrival and departure would vary
The flight time from Tokyo to New York is about 13 hours. However, Japan standard time is 14 hours later than New York (local) time, so the arrival time in New York would be one hour "before" the time of departure, or the same as the departure time if New York is on Daylight Savings Time. The flight time from New York to Tokyo is about 13 to 14 hours. Because of the wind, this route takes longer. With Japan 14 hours ahead of NY, and a flight time of 14 hours, a traveller would arrive in Japan at a local time 28 hours after departure time (1 day and 4 hours).
Depends on; Airline, Travel Class, Departure time, arrival time and departure city
if the ticket says 12:00 departure is that pm or am?
ATA = Actual Time ArrivalSTD =StandardTime Departure ATD = Actual Time Departure
The flight time from Manchester in the United Kingdom to Rhodes in Greece is approximately 4 hours and 15 minutes. Please note that this is an approximate flight time. The exact travel time may vary, because it depends on on factors such as weather conditions, flight speed, delays and refuelling stops. Your airline can provide additional information through customer service or their website.
Air France does offer real time flight status checking using either flight information or route information. For flight information, you need to know airline, departure date and flight number. Route information requires departure airport, arrival airport and departure date.
flight time to Aruba is between 9 hours and 9.5 hours from UK dependent upon departure airport.
The length of a flight from the US to Ethiopia will vary depending on the departure city. The flight time from time from the east coast is between 20 and 22 hours.