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Q: 'What direction would you travel to go from Sri Lanka to Myanmar?
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In which direction would you travel to go from Sri Lanka to Myanmar?


In what direction would you travel by airplane to go from sri lanka to myanmar?


What direction would you travel to go from Sri Lanka to Myanmar?

North North East

In which intermediate direction would you travel to go from sri lanka to myanmar which bay would you cross?


In which direction would you travel to go from sri lanka to burma?

Sri Lanka is located south of India, and Burma (Myanmar) Is east of India. You would need to travel in a northeasterly direction to make this trip.

What direction would you travel to get from Sri Lanka to Myanmar by airplane?

left left left left left left left

Which direction would you travel by airplane go to Sri Lanka to Myanmar?

It shouldtravel to north east.More towards east,It is in mainland of Asia.

Which direction would you travel by airplane to go from Sri Lanka to Myanmar?

It shouldtravel to north east.More towards east,It is in mainland of ASIA.

What way would you travel by airplane from sri Lanka to Burma?

Northeast is the direction you would be flying if u were to be going from Sri Lanka to Burma. Evan Ruiz i know you are copying this.

What direction would you travel if you were in Sri Lanka to India?


In which direction would you travel by airplane to go to SriLanka from Myanmar?


What direction would you travel to get from Sri Lanka to India?

Sri lanka is a small island. It is in south of india.