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Q: You invested money in the first IRA accounts that allowed an individual to put up tp 2000 per year tax free in the IRA you are now 64 years old If you withdraw the funds will you have to pay any tax?
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What is Accounts Receivable Management?

Accounts receivable management is a process of granting credit to customers as well as then receiving money at maturity time. Accounts receivable management includes activities like: 1 - Credit limit 2 - Credit time 3 - Discount allowed etc.

How is discount allowed treated in the trading and profit andloss account?

Discounts are allowed in the trading and loss accounts, because the products are not in brand new condition. This allows an amount of money to be taken off so that the item is discounted.

How do you mail your bankruptcy forms?

You are not legally allowed to do this, the papers must be handed over in person by the individual for whom the bankrupcy proceedings are being filed.

What is the importance of accounts receivable notes receivable and investments?

Accounts Receivable and Notes Receivable are very important to a company. These two accounts will show money that is owed to a company and they increase said company's assets. Investments shows money that a company may have received in order to operate a business and usually how much money the company will owe when having to repay this investment. (investors usually expect dividends or royalties on money that they invest). These accounts keep track of all that. With out these accounts a company can not keep accurate accounting records. If someone owes a company money, this needs to be on the books (in either accounts receivable or notes receivable, depending on the length of time the person is allowed to pay the balance.)

When is discount allowed to debtors?

Discount allowed for the early settlement of accounts - This discount is allowed to your debtors or customers at the time of the settlement of their account. You may agree with your customers to allow a certain percentage of discount allowed e.g. 2½ % if they settle the full amount on an invoice within 30 days). This discount is recorded when a debtor or customer settles the full invoice within the specified time. This discount needs to be entered as an expense in a Discount Allowed account and will reduce the net profit and will have no effect on the gross profit.This is murali +9199591-22272

Related questions

Is it possible for individual operate an account with central bank?

No. Central banks are the regulator or supervisors of banking operations in a country. Individuals cannot have bank accounts with them. Only banks that are authorized to provide banking services in the country are allowed to have accounts with the central banks

How high are ira withdrawal penalties?

You don't actually have to pay a penalty when you withdraw from your IRA. You just have to withdraw your annual allowed contribution before taxes come due to avoid the penalty. You can also withdraw excess contributions with no penalty.

How many Habbo accounts are you allowed to have?

you are allowed as many accounts as you like. If you do get Banned you have to have Banned In your Name Sockie252 (Need more Habbo help add me(On habbo UK))

How are checking accounts and savings accounts terms alike?

Checking accounts are DDA, or demand deposit accounts. It's a transactional account that is intended to secure your money but provide quick access for you to withdraw funds in various ways, such as with a debit card, ATM withdrawals, checks, direct debits, and electronic payments. Some checking accounts have a very low interest rate (typically only for accounts with a high daily balance). Savings accounts are deposit accounts that are not considered transactional. Your money is kept secure in a savings account and also earns interest. You can withdraw the money at the bank with a withdrawal slip, by transfer, or with an ATM card. You cannot use checks or debit cards. Withdrawals are limited to 6 per month by the Federal Reserve Board under Regulation D. Savings accounts are basically a way to earn interest while still keeping the funds liquid. Accounts that are not liquid, such as certificates of deposit, typically yield higher interest but withdrawals are not allowed or carry penalties.

Money market mutual funds sell shares to investors and use the money to buy?

Shares in companies, and they use the interest earned on shares to pay interest to those who invested. They were originally invented t by banks to get around the ban on being allowed to pay interest on current accounts

How many Windows Live accounts are allowed?

Though there is not a specific listed number of total accounts which are allowed per person in the terms and conditions, there is, however, a daily limit of creating 4 windows live accounts per IP address.

How many accounts is one allowed with

Their is no limit on how many accounts one person is allowed with This service is provided free of charge for people that wish to use it as their email provider.

How did the totalitarianism that arose after World War 1 differ from earlier forms authoritarianism?

Answer this question… It allowed for much less individual freedom.

Are you allowed to have two usable unhacked accounts on E-Class?

As of 2014, one is allowed to have two usable unhacked accounts on E-Class. One cannot have more than one hacked account.

User names and passwords for clubpenguin?

You are not allowed to give accounts on Club Penguin.

What types of banks are allowed to operate foreign currency accounts?

Foreign Banks

Can your spouse withdraw money from his pension without your consent?

That depends on the status of the married couple. A married individual is allowed to withdraw retirement funds early and without consent of the spouse if the fund allows it, and penalties are assessed. The situation changes in the case of divorce. Most states follow a doctrine of equitable division of marital property at the time of divorce. If a married individual raids their retirement funds in anticipation of a divorce, the court has the power to make that individual reimburse the other spouse according to the court ordered division of property. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in divorce in your jurisdiction before taking that course of action.