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Service revenue will appear on the income statement as a revenue account. It will indirectly effect the balance sheet in that it will be accompanied by an increase in either cash, accounts receivable, unbilled revenue (assets) or a decrease in unearned revenue (liability).

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Q: Would service revenue appear on the balance sheet?
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What financial statement would unearned revenue appear?

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Service revenue on a balance sheet?

I'm not sure I fully understand your question. Revenue would never be on a balance sheet, it is an income statement account.

Would service revenue be considered an asset?

Revenue is not considered an assets. Even from a double entry point of view, revenue would be a credit where as assets are debits so there no even interchangeable. If revenue was kept on the balance sheet as deferred income it would be as a liability.

Which of the following accounts would appear in the balance sheet credit column a Prepaid insurance b Buildings c Unearned service revenue d Service revenue?

Unearned services revenue is the amount which is already received by company from client but the actual services has not been provided yet by the company so it means that this amount is not yet earned by company so it is the liability of company hence it will be shown in credit or liability side of balance sheet.

Does interest revenue have a normal debit balance?

No, Interest Revenue is income and would normally have a credit balance.

Acrued revenues would appear on the balance sheet as what?

Accrued Revenues are those revenues which have earned by the company but not yet recieved. Accrued revenue is shown under current assets in balance sheet

How would fees receivable appear on the balance sheet?

Fees receivable would appear on the balance sheet as an asset.

Which of the accounts below would appear on an adjusted trial balance but probably would not appear on the trial balance?

Depreciation Expense

Is deferred revenue an asset?

Deferred revenue is recognized when cash received in advance for product or service that not delivered or rendered, so it's liability, once service fulfilled or product received Revenue Would be recognized Deferred revenue also Known as unearned revenue

Capulize Mr Jones the internal revenue service would like to visit with you about your tax return?

Mr. Jones the internal revenue service would like to visit with you about your tax return?

Is a service revenue that is billed but not paid a credit or debit?

A service revenue that is billed but not paid is an account receivable. Account receivables are assets and therefore you would "debit" the account.

Accrued revenues would appear on the balance sheet as?

dont no