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Q: Will issuance of long term bond increase current ratio?
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Who are the parties involved in bond issuance?

The parties involved in bond issuance typically include the issuer (company or government entity borrowing the money), underwriter (investment bank facilitating the issuance), investors (those purchasing the bonds), and sometimes a trustee (to ensure terms of the bond are met).

If the bond's price increases will it increase or decrease bond's yield?

neither once the bond is created the yield is set. the bond price is simply a reflection of the current rate and the rate, 'yield' of the bond.

What does the term closed bond mean?

A closed bond refers to a type of bond issuance where the company or entity offering the bond limits the number of bonds issued. Once the predetermined number of bonds is sold, no additional bonds will be offered for sale, hence the term "closed." This is in contrast to an open bond issuance, where bonds are continuously available for purchase.

The issuance price of a bond does not depend on the 1. face value of the bond 2. riskiness of the bond 3 method used to amortize the bond discount or premium 4 effective interest rate?

The issuance price of a bond is influenced by the face value of the bond, the riskiness of the bond, and the effective interest rate. The method used to amortize the bond discount or premium affects the accounting treatment and carrying value of the bond, but it does not directly impact the issuance price.

How do you present bond issue costs on cash flow statement?

bond issuance cost is part of cash flow from financing activities and this amount is shown as outflow.

What consisits of 2 or more atoms joined in a definite ratio?

A compound consists of 2 or more atoms joined in a definite ratio. This means that compounds have a specific arrangement of atoms in fixed proportions.

What is the difference between Yankee Bond and Bulldog Bond?

A Yankee bond is a bond issued by a foreign entity in the United States in U.S. dollars, while a Bulldog bond is a bond issued by a foreign entity in the United Kingdom in British pounds. The key difference lies in the currency of issuance and the market in which the bonds are sold.

Can bond be revoked by a different judge than the one who set it while awaiting a governors warrant if you didnt break the bond rules?

This is not an easily answered question. It entirely depends on the specific State that the bond was issued in, there is no universal standard for bonding and issuance in the US.

If inflation rate increase what happen to bond's price?

if Infalation rate increase bond price will fall.

What is a bond indenture What provisions are usually included in it?

A bond indenture is a legal document outlining the terms and conditions of a bond issuance. Provisions typically included in a bond indenture cover details such as payment terms, interest rates, maturity dates, covenants, collateral, and potential remedies for the bondholders if the issuer defaults.

Bond payable book value?

is bond payable a current liability