

Why you need to make budget?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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Think of it this have $200. About 1/4th of it is for housing, so that leaves you will $150. You need heat, air conditioning, lights, and water...subtract another $30. Now you have $120. You need to eat, right...Bang, $50 down the tubes. Which leaves $70. Got to get to work! More money...$25. Leaves $45.

So $45 is all you got to play with. Entertainment, gifts, the whole rest of your life. How would you have known all this if you hadn't made a budget? A budget tells you how much money you can spend AFTER all the necessaries have been paid. Don't forget your retirement...five dollars in the savings account. So you have $40 out of that $200 that you started with. While the $200 sounds doesn't sound so good after all the basics are covered.

The Budget can keep you financially afloat in hard times.

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no offence but you need more info like your how much money you make in your question.

What do you need to set up a budget?

Budget creation links below.

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If a person has predictable income this means that they can create a budget that stems out for weeks or months without having to change it much. A person with irregular income streams will need to create a budget with shorter time frames as they will need to make adjustments more often. It is best to budget irregular income on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Make A Budget?

If you are drowning in debt, you need to get your finances in order before you have to file for bankruptcy. Make a list of all of your income, and then make a list of all of the bills you have to pay. Set up a budget for each month that will cover all of the most important items you have to pay that month.

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What software can help a family get and stay on a budget?

Any type of banking or recording software will be suitable in getting and keeping a family on a budget. I prefer Microsoft Office or Word. You need to make sure it is user friendly.

When is manufacturing cost budget prepared?

manufacturing budget is prepared after the revenue, production and direct metrical usage budget because u need the solution from the production budget