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The federal government should adopt accrual since there is a 1956 law that requires all government agencies to prepare accrual-basis financial reports. Also, accrual basis will show more information since it shows money that the government is owed and liabilities of the federal government.

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Q: Why should the federal government adopt the accrual basis of accounting?
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Is the matching concept related to the cash basis of accounting or the accrual basis of accounting?

Matching concept is the basis of accrual accounting system under which all expenses to earn revenue should be match within same fiscal year so it is part of accrual accounting system

Accrual basis accounting vs Cash basis Accounting?

Under accrual basis of accounting, transactions are recorded when they actually occurred while in cash basis accounting transactions are recorded when actual cash is paid. Accrual accounting follows the matching concept according to which all revenues in one period should be match with expenses.

What is the difference between accrual accounting and matching principle?

Matching principle is the base of accrual accounting system which tells that each revenue earned should be matched with cost spent to earn that revenue so accrual account and matching principle is not different but same thing.

How accrual basis of accounting is related to matching concept?

Accrual basis accounting system is based on the concept of matching principle which dictates that revenues of same fiscal year should be matched with expenses of same fiscal year.

Which accounting principle requires that transaction should be recorded in the period they occurred?

There is no one accounting principle that requires that a transaction be recorded in the period it occurs (commonly referred to as accrual basis accounting). There is a conceptual statement that the Financial Accounting Standard Board has issued with regard to the use of accrual accounting. The Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS NO. 6: ELEMENTS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS which states in paragraph 134: Items that qualify under the definitions of elements of financial statements and that meet criteria for recognition and measurement are accounted for and included in financial statements by the use of accrual accounting procedures. The basis of accounting, whether cash basis or accrual, should be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements so that the financial statement reader is aware which method of accounting is in use. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) does require the accrual basis of accounting; nevertheless, businesses can present their financial statements on a cash basis as long as proper disclosures are made. The financial statement opinion rendered by the external audit firm would also disclose that the cash basis of accounting is being used.

Related questions

Is the matching concept related to the cash basis of accounting or the accrual basis of accounting?

Matching concept is the basis of accrual accounting system under which all expenses to earn revenue should be match within same fiscal year so it is part of accrual accounting system

Accrual basis accounting vs Cash basis Accounting?

Under accrual basis of accounting, transactions are recorded when they actually occurred while in cash basis accounting transactions are recorded when actual cash is paid. Accrual accounting follows the matching concept according to which all revenues in one period should be match with expenses.

What is the difference between accrual accounting and matching principle?

Matching principle is the base of accrual accounting system which tells that each revenue earned should be matched with cost spent to earn that revenue so accrual account and matching principle is not different but same thing.

What is the different between accounting principle and accounting principle?

Matching principle is the base of accrual accounting system which tells that each revenue earned should be matched with cost spent to earn that revenue so accrual account and matching principle is not different but same thing.

How accrual basis of accounting is related to matching concept?

Accrual basis accounting system is based on the concept of matching principle which dictates that revenues of same fiscal year should be matched with expenses of same fiscal year.

What should be accounting treatment of an unearned income when the service is provided?

There are two methods of accounting used for small businesses. Cash or accrual based accounting. This is how you treat the income that comes in. If you operate under cash accounting for your taxes, than money that is owed to you doesn't count until it is paid. If on the other hand you do your taxes based on accrual accounting than you include the receivables on the books as income.

Which accounting principle requires that transaction should be recorded in the period they occurred?

There is no one accounting principle that requires that a transaction be recorded in the period it occurs (commonly referred to as accrual basis accounting). There is a conceptual statement that the Financial Accounting Standard Board has issued with regard to the use of accrual accounting. The Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS NO. 6: ELEMENTS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS which states in paragraph 134: Items that qualify under the definitions of elements of financial statements and that meet criteria for recognition and measurement are accounted for and included in financial statements by the use of accrual accounting procedures. The basis of accounting, whether cash basis or accrual, should be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements so that the financial statement reader is aware which method of accounting is in use. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) does require the accrual basis of accounting; nevertheless, businesses can present their financial statements on a cash basis as long as proper disclosures are made. The financial statement opinion rendered by the external audit firm would also disclose that the cash basis of accounting is being used.

When should the loss an uncollectible account receivable be recorded as an expense for accrual accounting purposes?

In the same period in which the sale on account occurs.

Is there a need for revamping the standard setting for GAAP accounting and should the federal government be involved?

Yes, there is a need to change the GAAP because corporations can easily circumvent the standards. The federal government must be involved so that they can enforce the changes.

The revenue recognition concept?

The revenue recognition concept is commonly used in accrual form of accounting. This indicates revenue should only be recorded when and entity is completed to a substantial level.

When should it be ok for a state government to overrule the federal government?

It isn’t ok for state government to overrule a federal government. The federal is above the state.

What was the idea that the federal government should not control there own affairs?

We should have the authority and power too!Just like the Federal Government.