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its a bad thing to lower tax because it would effect certain projects in our economy.

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i took a guess

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Q: Why is it a bad thing to lower taxes?
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Yes, Julius Caesar did lower taxes.

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Yes, him and Washington worked together to lower taxes, finally 3 years later president Lincoln was the first president to actually lower the taxes.

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For A. to have freedom of the seas B. to have lower taxes C. to end slavery D. to get rid of bad leaders

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What will McCain do for the US?

John McCain will lower the taxes and help save the poor(donate money to give them food and houses)and he will listen to your thought of what you think will help the country.As john mcCain says this world is not only runed by thepresident but its runed by you and your learn more go to www.johnMcCain .comThats not true John McCaain will not lower taxes he will RAISE taxes!!!!Anyway Obama will LOWER taxes and stop the warAnd Mcain will keep the war (witch is bad for GLOBAL WARNING!)P.S. GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Higher, higher taxes for richer people, lower taxes for poor people.

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Cutting taxes for landowners