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That is because most if not all country's tax collectors will want the tax within the next financial period. The definition between current and non current is the time when they fall due with current being within the year and non current after a year.

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Q: Why is corporation tax a current liability?
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Related questions

How is deferred tax liability different from current tax liability?

Current Tax Liability is that tax amount which is actaully payable in current year.Deffered Tax liability is that amount of tax liability which is created due to difference in net income in income statement and income according to tax authorities.

Is deffered tax liability your current liability?


Is estimated tax payable a current liability?

Yes, as tax is paid normally in next fiscal year so it is current liability and shown under current liability section

Why to have corporation?

A corporation shields one from personal liability. A corporation can keep ownership confidential. A corporation may have income tax advantages.

Is income tax a current liability or an expense?

Accrued income tax (Income Tax Payable) is a current liability. When the tax is actually paid it is reported on the income statement as Income Tax Expense.

Is provision for tax is a current liability?

Provision for taxation is current liablity

Why tax is liability?

If tax is still remains payable while close of books of accounts then it is a liability to be paid to tax authorities that's why shown under liability side of balance sheet as current liability.

Formula for current liability?

Current Liability = sundry creditor+bank overdraft+ expenses payable+provision for tax,divident

Is Federal Income Tax a current liability?

In personal tax yes. In corporate, ther is both a current and deferredportion

Is deferred tax a current liability?

Yes deffered tax liability is created due to difference in taxable income as well as actual income which needs to be adjusted in next fiscal year as it is for only one year that;s why it is current liability.

Is deferred liability a current liability?

Yes deffered tax liability is created due to difference in taxable income as well as actual income which needs to be adjusted in next fiscal year as it is for only one year that;s why it is current liability.

How does the IRS define a c corporation?

The Inland Revenue Service defines a "C" Corporation as one that is legally independent from its owners. It also does not have a personal tax liability for its owners.