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It's a large, impersonal and automated mailing system that gathers data from just about anywhere it can and sends out literally tons of applications. Most of that stuff is discarded, but they don't care, they just want to get applications back.

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Q: Why do you receive credit card mail with a wrong first name but the right last name?
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Why do you receive credit card application with a wrong first name and wrong last name?

Because (a) either you gave them the wrong information when you applied for the card - or (b) the application is intended for the last person who lived at your address.

How do you get a wrong judgment removed from your credit report?

Get a copy of your credit report from all 3 credit bureaus and file a dispute with each. They have a form you can fill out. You can get free credit reports from

Does Dividends have a credit or debit balance?

I'm trying to find out the answer, but I'm thinking credit balance. I'm trying to find out if its right or not. The answer is wrong, it actually has a Dr. balance ............................................................................................ Depends on What You Mean by DIVIDENDS! - If you are talking about dividends from investments (interest on a checking account, CD, etc.), then that is income. Income or Revenue accounts always receive credits and, therefore, maintain a credit balance. - If you're taking about stockholder dividends from a corporation, that is more complicated. Dividends given in a small business environment (sole, partners, S-corp) are tracked in an Equity account and the account is debited when a distribution is made. This "Distribution" or "Owner's Draw" account is the only Equity account that receive debits and, therefore, maintains a debit balance.

If a date of birth is incorrect on a credit report does that person have to pay what is listed on the credit report?

If you owe a debt nothing on the CR will negate it. The fact that a birthdate is erroneous is not important. Except in the sense that a minor (someone under 18) cannot enter into contracts. Of course if someone gave the wrong birthdate in order to receive credit and they were a minor at the time, that might constitute fraud. Be that as it may, the birthdate is for most purposes irrelevant.

What can you do if you report to a credit card company that your husband took a credit card out in your name and you reported it to them and they did nothing?

If you are married, your husband can definitely apply for a credit card in your name. This is commonly done. Some husbands make their wives as supplement to their credit cards or apply for a separate card. So, the credit card company may not find anything wrong with what your husband did. Not unless, you and your husband are having problems, then if you have a case, better report it first to the proper authority before you approach the credit card company with your complaint or case.

Related questions

Why do you receive credit card application with a wrong first name and wrong last name?

Because (a) either you gave them the wrong information when you applied for the card - or (b) the application is intended for the last person who lived at your address.

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First calculate how many you need to get right, by solving the following proportion:x/80 = 70/100Note that there are some assumptions here:Grading is in percentage.Each question has the same weight.You don't get partial credit for partially correct answers. Each answer is either wrong or right.

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The word is 'wrong'. Wrong is right if spelt wrong and if wrong is spelt right it is still wrong

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You enter the wrong amount You confuse debit and credit You debit or credit wrong account?

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there the first answer is the wrong 'there'. The right one for 'they are' is they're.

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From the scriptures of Siddhartha Gautama (The first Buddha)

Which word when pronounced right is wrong but if pronounced wrong is right?

The answer is "wrong." Because if you say the word "right," it's incorrect because the answer is "wrong." But if you say the word "wrong," you are correct because the answer is "wrong."

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10% please tell me i m right or wrong

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That's an interesting philosiphy but...... its wrong ! If something is right it is right . If something is wrong it is wrong but who is saying what is wrong and who is saying what is right ?_________________________________________ _______________________Although you said what is right so ... hey its just wrong okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_______________________________________________________________It is wrong.The above statetment is wrong when you read it rightly while it is right when you read it wrongly.

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First step: send it to the right school. Second: tell the wrong school to withdraw your application.

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The word "wrong".