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Balance sheet is prepared to know the financial position on the Business/Company.

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Q: Why comparative balance sheet is prepared?
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What is a comparative balance sheet?

Comparative balance sheet is that balance sheet in which comparison for more than one period is done to find out the performance of company.

Are consolidated and comparative balance sheet same?

1. Comparative balance sheet means to use balance sheet of the competitors with base company to compare that how the company in evaluation is performing against its competitors while consolidated balance sheet is prepared when there is parent and subsidiary companies relationship exists and all the information of parent company as well as the subsidiary companies is shown within one financial statement.

Comparative balance sheet?

Comparative balance sheets are those in which compassion of two or more balance sheets are done in parallel.

Why balance sheet prepared?

Balance sheet is prepared to show the overall performance of business from it's inception to till date.

Which statements are prepared from the general ledger with no changes to the account balance?

balance sheet

The cash budget must be prepared before you can complete the?

budgeted balance sheet

The Retained Earnings Statement should be prepared?

after income statement, before the balance sheet

Why cash flow is made after balance sheet?

Cashflow statement is preferably prepared after the balance sheet because it becomes much more easier to pick cashflow items from the bal. sheet than from individual ledgers.

What are differences between a statement of affairs and a balance sheet?

balance sheet refers to position of assets n liabilities @ end of s yr..but stt of affairs refers to transactions entered into by the comp. durin tat yr..generaaly stt. of affairs is prepared in absence of bal sheet (ie) if bal sheet cudn b prepared due to unavoidable circumstances or its prepared,but currently N/A

How is the balance sheet linked to the other financial statement?

balance sheet is linked to financial statements as both statement are prepared for business authenticity, and are also link to each other because it is government requirements.

Similarity of a trial balance and balance sheet?

similarities between Trial Balance and Balance Sheet 1. Both shows the financial position as of a particular date. 2. Both shows the balances of Ledger accounts and not the transactions. 3. Both can be used to do comparative analysis.

Which side does Liabilites appear on a balance sheet?

Normally in balance sheet liabilities shown in left side of balance sheet but sides don’t matter much as sides can be change or in statement form of accounts there are actually no sided and balance sheet is prepared in statement form where assets comes first and then liabilities and equity.