When you have a job, the taxes by state will be different depending on where you live. Every state has their own tax codes and amounts that you have to pay in. larger states that have a big population often have higher taxes. There could be a higher amount in taxes depending on the amount of people in each city of the state. Be sure that you are calculating for yourself the amount of taxes you are supposed to have taken out of your check so that you are not paying extra.
Social Services and Nanny States
The United States has a progressive tax system so the more your income, the higher your income taxes will be. U.S. Citizens are also subject to many, many different kinds of taxes. Some of these taxes include State and Local Income Taxes, State and Local Sales Taxes, State and Local Property Taxes on homes, land, and other property, State and Local Motor Vehicle Taxes, Federal, State and Local Gasoline Taxes, etc. There is also a host of embedded taxes that the people of the United States pay such as taxes that are imposed on business and corporations that are passed on to the consumer, taxes imposed on utilities, telephone, railroad, transportation, etc.
Taxes on consumers vary by state. Each state has its own laws regarding what is taxed. For information on what is taxed in your state: Go to your states website and search for tax information. Ex. Connecticut charges a 6% sales tax on most goods, however there are many exemptions and variances. ie. Clothing under $50.00 is not taxed. So a 49.99 pair of shoes would not be taxed, however a $50.00 pair of shoes would be charged $3.00 in tax
You can file a federal tax return and get a refund regardless of the status of your state taxes. If you owe overdue taxes to the state and they have gotten around to it, the state can intercept your federal refund. So, your refund might go to paying your overdue state taxes instead of being sent to you. But unless you file a federal tax return, no refund will be generated and your state taxes will not be paid.
Well, There's 186 Towns In Connecticut So Yeah.
Connecticut wasn't a state in the 1600's, it was the 5th state in the us in 1788, so there were no "Connecticut" schools in the 1600's
Connecticut has the most residents per capita in the country claiming to be of Italian descent. So the answer is Connecticut.
The state itself will collect income taxes from its citizens if it is a state that collects state income taxes. 43 of the 50 states collect state income taxes.
Connecticut is its own state, so one. It was divided into eight counties, but now these are largely non-functional.
Do you mean what state has the city Bridgeport? If so then I believe it's Connecticut but I'm not to sure on that
he wanted to
NASA is funded entirely by Federal Taxes.
No because disability payments come from taxes, so it would not make sense. Disability payments do not come from the state they are federal.
Connecticut's state tree is the White Oak (Quercus Alba) so designated on April 16, 1947.The Charter Oak is not the state tree, but rather a specific tree of note in the history of the state. (See Related Links, below.)
In the United States, States have taxes on a number of items. Below is a list of taxes that States have created. Not all States have all the taxes listed: * personal income; * sales taxes; * corporate taxes; * gasoline taxes; and * property taxes.