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The government originally used taxes in order to pay for army debt in the Revolutionary Era. Taxes were supposed to be abolished at one point in history, but they stuck around to pay for schools, government programs, and public works programs.

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Q: Why are people required to pay taxes?
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Who are required to pay taxes?

Everyone is required to pay taxes it's just that some people pay more depending on what the stupid government thinks is right. Rich people pay least taxes middle class pays average and poor/lower class pay a lot.

Why were people not required to pay taxes to the church?

Why do you say they weren't?

What would happen if you did not pay taxes?

The government has various means of enforcing its laws, and forcing people to pay taxes. Some people go to jail for tax evasion. Of course, there are also people who do not pay taxes because they are not required to pay taxes. If you have no money, you pay no taxes. Or, if you have quite a lot of money, you may have various tax write-offs and accounting schemes, offshore bank accounts etc., which also allow you to pay no taxes. It is only the middle class which tends to have no way to legally avoid paying tax.

How do people pay taxes?

People pay taxes in many different ways. Taxes are taken out of your paycheck, you pay taxes when you make purchases at a store, and you pay taxes on your home and property.

Do people in Alaska pay taxes?

People in Alaska pay state and federal taxes.

What are the required duties of every citizen?

Pay taxes

A business not required to pay taxes is called?


What is the minimum income required to pay taxes?


Who are not required to pay any taxes?

Everyone has to pay some taxes. Even illegal immigrants; when they buy something. they pay sales tax.

Do people in China pay for education?

if they pay the taxes for the house then no if they don't pay taxes then they do pay

Do you need to pay taxes if your business is losing money?

Yes, even if your company is failing you still need to pay taxes. Unfortunately, everyone is required to pay taxes despite debt.

What if you have no money to pay your taxes?

You are legally required to pay taxes. Taxes are only due on money you have earned therefore if you owe taxes you have had the money. If you do not pay the taxes you owe you will be sent to court and made to pay - even if you go to prison you will still owe the tax man.