an operating budget and a capital budget
A manufacturing organization's master budget includes a production budget, which uses the sales budget and inventory levels anticipated at the beginning and end of the period to determine how much to produce.
Master budget is the overall financial budget of company which includes budgets as follows:Sales BudgetProduction budgetSelling and administration budgetsCash budgetPro forma Income Statement & balance sheet etc.
The budget that is prepared for one level of activity is known as a static budget. A static budget is often one of many other budgets that are created off of a master budget.
Staff accountant is responsible for maintaining financial report general ledgers, records and prepares the budget. They also do meeting with the clients to discuss the financial matters such as liability and tax.
it is the finance minister who prepares union budget in india.the date for announcement of budget is decided by president.
Finance Minister
The Judicial branch
The Production Budget for The Master was $37,500,000.
fiance department
(OMB) Office of Management and Budget
The Executive Branch of government prepares the federal budget. This is then reviewed by the Legislative Branch. An appropriations bill is then submitted back to the President to be signed into law or to be vetoed.
an operating budget and a capital budget
It prepares the federal budget and monitors spending.
A master budget is comprised of operating budgets and financial budgets.
an operating budget and a capital budget