

Who pays what amount of tax?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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9y ago

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In most countries and for most people, individual tax information is confidential.

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Q: Who pays what amount of tax?
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What is the amount of money a customer pays for an item?

It depends, you should read on the price tag, + tax.

A taxation strategy where everyone pays the same amount regardless of income?

Flat tax has no regard to income. Graduated tax is related to income.

Who pays sale tax?

The person who is buying the product pays the sales tax.

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The state pays the property tax.

A taxation stratery where everyone pays the same dollar amount reguardless of income is a blank strategy?

A flat tax is a taxation strategy where everyone pays the same rate regardless of income. A flat tax and fair tax are the two most commonly proposed alternatives to the current US tax system.

What is the taxation strategy where everyone pays the same dollar amount regardless of income?

That sounds like a poll tax.

Is a tax where everyone pays the same percentage a regressive or progressive tax?

Neither, a tax in which everyone pays the same percentage is called a flat tax.

How does filing status affect the amount of taxes you will pay?

It changes the tax bracket of the taxpayer, meaning that the taxpayer pays more or less tax, depending on filing status.

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How rich is shah rukh khan?

ShahRukh khan is fairly rich yes he is. They exact amount of wealth nobody can tell. But one can estimate the amount from the tax he pays.

How can you find out how much property tax an owner pays for their property?

In the United States of America, county level tax assessors keep track of the assessed value of the property and the amount of taxes due and amount paid. These are public records.

A taxation strategy where everyone pays the same percentage amount regardless of income is a strategy called what?

The so-called Flat Tax.