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sales tax

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Q: Which kind of tax is paid when purchasing consumer goods and services?
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How much is the investment amount? What kind of consumer good do you want to promote? It deals with many brands and different categories of consumer goods.

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Consumer Court deals with consumer feedback and complaints against products or services. They make the final decision for refunds or other reimbursements.

What kind of tax is a sales tax?

It is an indirect tax.It is a tax levied on the sale of goods and merchandise. In many countries tax on sale of goods and tax on services is integrated into one tax called GST or Goods and Services Tax

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There are mainly two types of requisitions: internal requisitions, which are used within an organization to request goods or services, and external requisitions, which are used to request goods or services from external suppliers or vendors.

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2 good word's for good and kind are...Good=chearfull,warm(which means is good as a freind), well behaved, loyal & is allway's there 2 help U!!kind=helpfull, not greedy, allways there to help U no-matter what!