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As mentioned in the answer to the related question, "Are food contributions to a charitable organization tax-deductible?": Charitable deductions are claimed on Form 1040, Schedule A. You must have a charity's written acknowledgement in your records for donations over $250, and the recipient must be "qualified" under the law and IRS rules. "You must fill out Form 8283 Section A if your total deduction for all non-cash contributions is more than $500. If you make a contribution of non-cash property worth more than $5,000, generally an appraisal must be done. In that case, you must also fill out Form 8283 Section B. Attach Form 8283 to your return."

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Q: Where can you deduct contributions-in-kind on federal tax forms?
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Related questions

What must a person do to deduct donations to charity on their federal tax forms?

To be able to "write off" donations to charity on your federal tax forms to must use the long form. Also you must have records of th amount of money or gifts given to each charity.

Will I be able to deduct a portion of my local property taxes from my NY state income tax?

No. However, you can deduct property taxes from your federal tax liability.

Where can I get federal tax return forms?

You can get federal tax return forms online on the IRS website. Their site has all the federal tax return forms and publications that you need.

Can you count your tax payment from a previous year's taxes on the current tax form?

If you are talking about your amount paid with your federal tax return, the answer is no. You cannot deduct your previous years federal income tax on your current years tax return. You can deduct on Schedule A the amount paid on your State income tax return if you itemize your taxes.

Can federal taxes withheld be tax deductible?

You cannot deduct withheld federal taxes on your federal income tax return. There are some states that allow the deduction of withheld federal taxes on the state income tax return.

Where can I find federal tax forms? will allow you to access and print federal tax forms online.

What are the percentage rates for federal income taxes?

What federal income tax percent should my employer deduct from my wages

Can you access federal tax forms online?

You can get all federal tax forms from the IRS homepage. Go to

Can you deduct the amount you pay your tax account?

I am not sure what you mean by this or what kind of tax account you may be referring to.On your federal income tax return, you may deduct payments of various types of state and local taxes that are imposed on you within limitations. These include real estate, state and local income taxes, and sales taxes (but not both sales taxes and income taxes). You may not deduct federal incomes taxes. You may not deduct interest or penalties.A few states let you deduct federal income taxes on your state return.

Where can you find a list of federal tax forms?

The IRS is the most reliable source of all federal tax-related information. Its website contains all the necessary federal tax forms, or an accountant can also provide these forms.

Can you deduct your health insurance premium on your 2009 federal tax?

If you itemize your deductions, you pay for your health insurance yourself with after tax funds, or if you are self employed you may be able to deduct part or all of it in 2009.

On disability filing federal tax form not necessary but you want to deduct real estate taxes and mortgage interest?

This would not benefit you at all. What income would you have to deduct them from?