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You file whatever the state tax instructions tell you to file, which may be neither of those things. ("Both" is clearly wrong, for reasons that will be explained later.)

The IRS has three main income tax forms. The instructions for each form contain a short worksheet telling you whether you can use it or not.

  • 1040 is the "standard" income tax form. Nearly anyone can use this form (along with various schedules) to file their return. It's the most complicated of the three.
  • 1040A is a shorter, simplified form. Most people who do not itemize deductions can use this form.
  • 1040EZ is a very short and greatly simplified form for people with no dependents (other than, possibly, a spouse) whose income is almost entirely from wages, salaries, or tips, with less than $1500 of taxable interest income. Like the 1040A, the 1040EZ does not allow itemized deductions (and simplifies things further by combining personal exemptions with the standard deduction).

In addition, there's also a Form 1040 Schedule A, which is used to list itemized deductions. It can only be used with Form 1040, because neither Form 1040A nor Form 1040EZ allow itemized deductions.

Most states require that you file a copy of your federal return along with your state return. Filing a copy of both Form 1040A and Form 1040 Schedule A would be incorrect, as this is not a valid combination ... you need either 1040 plus 1040 Schedule A (and any other schedules you sent to the feds), or 1040A pretty much by itself or 1040EZ also pretty much by itself. Along with your state return, which generally has to "match" the federal return ... if you used federal 1040, in California you have to file state form 540, if you used federal 1040A you have to file state form 540A, and if you filed federal 1040EZ then you need to use state form 540EZ.

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Q: When filing the state income tax form which form do you file is it the 1040 a or 1040 schedule a or both?
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When filing the pa state income tax refund do you attach it with your 1040 federal income tax refund form?

Your PA state income tax form is sent to the state and not the IRS. The 1040 will be sent to the IRS. No need to send the state with the 1040.

When married but separated can married filing jointly be the filing status?

IF you are NOT LEGALLY separated in the state that you are a a resident of on the last day of the year. Your filing status would be married filing joint or on a separate 1040 federal income tax return MARRIED FILING SEPARATE.

How much a married couple has to make to pay taxes?

For the 2009 tax year a married couple filing a married filing joint income tax return both under the age of 65 filing a 1040 federal income tax return could have 18700 of adjusted gross income free of federal income tax after the 1040 federal income tax return is completed correctly and completely to the 1040 page 2 line 43 TAXABLE INCOME AMOUNT -0- ZERO.

Does the IRS require 1040 tax filing by all persons even if they have no income?

Yes, the IRS requires 1040 tax filing by all persons because their is always some income generated in their lifestyles. The income does not entirely need to be from a paycheck, but could be from disability or social security.

Is rent considered ordinary income?

Yes it is taxed as ordinary income and the net rental income is reported on page 1 line 17 of the 1040 tax form. Your net rental income is added to all of your other gross worldwide income and taxed as ordinary income at your marginal tax rate on your 1040 income tax return. Your gross passive rental income and expenses are reported on the schedule E of the 1040 tax form. Nonpasive gross rental income and expenses are reported on the schedule C of the 1040 tax form. The difference is that you do not need to pay Social Security on Rental Income.

Related questions

What form do you file when filing for the state income tax return?

When you are filing for the state income tax return, you will fill form 1040.

When filing the pa state income tax refund do you attach it with your 1040 federal income tax refund form?

Your PA state income tax form is sent to the state and not the IRS. The 1040 will be sent to the IRS. No need to send the state with the 1040.

Is there a deadline for filing Schedule M?

Schedule M FORM of the 1040 income return for the making work pay tax credit has to be filed with your 2009 federal income tax return.

Is there IRS 1040 tax help available for small businesses filing Schedule C?

Yes, IRS tax assistance is also available to you since you are filing your small business income on Form 1040. Be sure to have all your tax documents and questions ready when you contact the IRS for help.

When married but separated can married filing jointly be the filing status?

IF you are NOT LEGALLY separated in the state that you are a a resident of on the last day of the year. Your filing status would be married filing joint or on a separate 1040 federal income tax return MARRIED FILING SEPARATE.

How much a married couple has to make to pay taxes?

For the 2009 tax year a married couple filing a married filing joint income tax return both under the age of 65 filing a 1040 federal income tax return could have 18700 of adjusted gross income free of federal income tax after the 1040 federal income tax return is completed correctly and completely to the 1040 page 2 line 43 TAXABLE INCOME AMOUNT -0- ZERO.

Does the IRS require 1040 tax filing by all persons even if they have no income?

Yes, the IRS requires 1040 tax filing by all persons because their is always some income generated in their lifestyles. The income does not entirely need to be from a paycheck, but could be from disability or social security.

What is tax return form B?

The form Schedule B Interest Income and ordinary Dividends of the 1040 or 1040A income tax form. The form Schedule A Itemized Deductions of the 1040 tax form. Click on the related links

What was the tax form number for income averaging in 1985?

Schedule G (Form 1040)

Is rent considered ordinary income?

Yes it is taxed as ordinary income and the net rental income is reported on page 1 line 17 of the 1040 tax form. Your net rental income is added to all of your other gross worldwide income and taxed as ordinary income at your marginal tax rate on your 1040 income tax return. Your gross passive rental income and expenses are reported on the schedule E of the 1040 tax form. Nonpasive gross rental income and expenses are reported on the schedule C of the 1040 tax form. The difference is that you do not need to pay Social Security on Rental Income.

How do you report rental income?

Schedule E rental of the 1040 tax form, available at

What is 1040 tax filing when I am filing my taxes in the current world?

A 1040 Tax filing is simply a annual income tax form payable to any IRS or government sponsored place near your home or office. Advice can be found at most government websites.