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Rue21 sends out their W2 forms before January 31st each year. If you have not received yours, you can call the company and request a new one.

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Q: When does rue 21 send out their w2 forms?
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Labor Ready will send out your w2 2013 by Feb 1. if you have not received it by that date you can go into your home office and receive a print out.

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All employers, including Hollister are required by law to send W2 forms to anyone earning over $600 dollars in that particular tax year. The law requires that W2 forms be mailed no later than January 31.

Do you have to send in income tax forms and w2's if you efile?

The answer is NO. Unless specified by the IRS once its approved or rejected.

How do you send w2 forms when efile?

With your signature form which is also required. Instructions with all e-filing systems.

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How can I find my old W2 forms on ADP?

To find your old W2 forms on ADP, log in to your ADP account and navigate to the "My Tax Documents" section. From there, you can access and download your past W2 forms.