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Q: When an offeror is required to provide certified cost or pricing data should be used to verify that the overall price offered is fair and reasonable.?
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An offeror's experience as an evaluation factor consists primarily of:

What can an offer be terminated by?

Well first, "in a Unilateral contract the offer cannot be revoked if the offeree has begun or has substantially completed performance. (Cheeseman 2010)" however In my opinion he just made the bid and after the offeree accepted them is created a contract so they have not yet sign any type of contract. anyway according to the law if the offer is one that leads to a unilateral contract, then unless there was an ancillary contract entered into that guaranteed that the main contract would not be withdrawn, the contract may be revoked at any time. Also, "An offeror may revoke an offer before it has been accepted, but the revocation must be communicated to the offeree, although not necessarily by the offeror: (Dickinson v. Dodds 1876)" but again if they had encapsulated in a option of the contract, revoked the offer would be not possible. In his case the first thing he have to do is to call the offeree and explain him the situation, also (even this would depend of the consciousness of the person and his values and moral) the offeree would notice since he saw the bid something is wrong because when before send him the bid he would know what was the offer made to him "No contract is created if the offer is not accepted. (Cheeseman 2010)" "An offer may be terminated at any time before it is accepted. However, once an offer is accepted it becomes irrevocable. (Goldsbrough Mort & Co Ltd v Quinn)"

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When the offeree changes the offeror's terms it is called?

A counteroffer. This occurs when the offeree proposes different terms than what was originally offered by the offeror, essentially rejecting the initial offer and making a new offer instead.

Can an offeror revoke an option contract if the offeror decides that the consideration given is inadequate?

No, an offeror can't revoke an option contract if the offeror decides that the consideration given is inadequate. There would be an option to purchase the land.

The intent of the offeror to extend a serious offer to the offeree is typically determined by reference to?

the beliefs that the offeror has

What is the difference between offeree and offeror?

offeror means who is giving opportunity to someone.that pesron can accept it or not

Does an offeror's subjective intent determine the effectiveness of an offer?

No, an offeror's subjective intent does not determine the effectiveness of an offer.

What is the effect of death or insanity of the offeror?

Death or insanity of the offeror automatically terminates the offer. This applies even though the offeree is not aware of the death or the insanity of the offeror and communicates an acceptance of the offer. Both parties must be alive and competent to contract at the moment the acceptance is properly communicated to the offeror.

A person extending a contract is called?


What does offeror mean?

it means someone that offers something

The withdrawal of an offer by the offeror is an example of what kind of contract?


What is the difference between rejection and revocation?

Rejection is the rejection of an offer by the offeree. After an offeror has made an offer it can be rejected by the offeree. Revocation is the revoking of an offer by the offeror. An offeror may also revoke his offer at any time before acceptance by the offeree unless an option contract is created or is otherwise precluded from revoking the offer.

An offeror's experience as an evaluation factor consists primarily of?

their record of conforming to past contract requirements

Who is the offeree and offeror in a tender?

Any offer is a statement of intention to contracting normally it is directed to a specific party to whom the offeror want to contracting . Its any important Term because all contracts start with it if they're going to be legal binding . After any offer has been accepted no further discussion or negotiation will follow . Offeree is one to whom the offeror is directing the offer , simple that this is the party who will accept the offer . note : Offer is done by the Offeror to the Offeree if the Offeree accept the offer then the contract will be completed .