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You would probably end up in prison. Or, you could be heavily fined, with added penalties, and forced to pay back taxes.

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Q: What would happen if you didn't pay taxes?
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Gross income is the money that you make if u didnt pay taxes

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Yes that could happen.

What message did the Boston Tea Party send to the British government?

They told the British government that,"Boston Harbour is a teapot tonight."it is because they didnt wanna pay there taxes the british were charging them.

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you would only pay taxes on a difference

What message did the Boston tea party send to the british?

They didnt want to pay the taxes the british were charging them

What would happen if you did not pay taxes?

The government has various means of enforcing its laws, and forcing people to pay taxes. Some people go to jail for tax evasion. Of course, there are also people who do not pay taxes because they are not required to pay taxes. If you have no money, you pay no taxes. Or, if you have quite a lot of money, you may have various tax write-offs and accounting schemes, offshore bank accounts etc., which also allow you to pay no taxes. It is only the middle class which tends to have no way to legally avoid paying tax.

What would happen to the colonist in Britain who did not pay tax?

the colonist that refused to pay taxes were put in jail and sent to work for the kingdom