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Q: What word is not an adjective in this sentence my father has a well known reputation for keeping accurate financial records?
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Which of the word choices below is not an adjective in this sentence your father has a well known reputation for keeping accurate financial records?


When shopping for a new car it is important to consider the business reputation of the automobile what word in this sentence is an adjective?

"New" is the adjective.

How do you say last in Irish?

For an accurate translation, use it in a sentence. It could be a verb, noun, adjective.

What is a good sentence for the word finance as an adjective?

Finance is a noun. The adjective derived from that noun is financial. You might substitute the word finance for financial in some circumstances, but that would be a bit sloppy. For example, I am making my finance plans, instead of my financial plans.

A sentence with accurate in it?

Accurate is an adjective, meaning precise, on target or exact.The archer was the most accurate of the competitors, and won the tournament easily.I want to make sure all these figures are accurate, can you double check them for me?

How do you use financial as a noun in a sentence?

The noun form is financials for the adjective financial. Example sentence:The company has three days left to post its financials with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

What adjective modifies the word car in this sentence when shopping for a new car it is important to consider the business reputation of the automobile dealer?

a new the business the automobile

What is the adjective In the sentence Which orange do you mean?

The adjective in the sentence is "which," which is specifying which orange is being referred to.

How do you use reputation in a sentence?

This boy and a good reputation in school.

What is the adjective in this sentence Lūcius fabulam narrat?

There is no adjective in this sentence.

Can you give me a sentence with the word had a reputation for?

That restaurant had a reputation for great seafood.

What is the adjective in the sentence They danced happily around the kitchen?

There is no adjective in that sentence.