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Q: What type of Medisoft report would you use to examine the amounts of expected copayments?
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magnify glass
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Which cell should observe if wants to examine the deoxyribonucleic acid of the sheep?

Most of their cells will have ample amounts of that.

What is a sentence for the word examine?

The forensics team will examine the crime scene.The doctor needs to examine you.He likes to examine nature.

What is a sentence with the word examine?

We will carefully examine the evidence.He used a magnifying glass to examine the small writing.

What is the greek word for examine?

The Greek word for examine is skopeo which means to look at inspect or examine

What is the past participle of examine?

Examined is the past participle of examine.

What is to examine?

Question: what is to examine? Answer: To examine is to give exercises to the students in order to determine their understanding and proficiency of the subject.

What is the past of examine?

Examined is the past participle of examine.

What is the opposite of examine?

The opposite of examine is ignore.

Meaning of examine closely?

Inspect means examine closely. There's also watch for examine carefully.

Is examine a verb?

Yes, "examine" is a verb. It is an action word that means to inspect, investigate, or analyze something closely.

Use examine in a sentence?

I'll need to examine the damage a bit more closely, please. I would like to use that magnifying glass to examine this specimen.

What is the past tense of examine?

The past tense of examine is examined.examined