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budget slack can be prevented by good alignment between budgeting process and the organization's strategy which achieved by communication and coordination between top management and line managers or strategic business units to ensure that all line managers have the same perspective about achieving the organizational goals.good implementation of budgetary control also plays a role in preventing budgetary slack.

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Q: What steps can be taken to prevent budgetary slack?
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How to develop an organizational structure?

what are the steps taken when developing a virtual organizational structure? what are the steps taken when developing a virtual organizational structure?

How does a creditor levy a bank account What does this actually mean?

They creditor is filing to ask the court to issue an attachment against your bank account. This is done by court order. You have the right to be notified and be heard. There are legal steps that can be taken to prevent this action.

Explain the importance of budgetary control in any business?

as this quetions is related to budh«gets, I will start by explaining what a budgets is and then the importance of controlling it. A budget is a Plan which show how much money will be needed by a business and how that money will be used during a certain period. A budgetary control is process of comapring the actual expenditure with the budget amount for a certain periods. the diferences between them are called discrepancy or varinaces. Each department within a business is a llocated a budget and the concerned manager may possibly be held reponsible for any discrepancy on the budget. the discrepancy can be favourable or unfavourable but to ascertain wheter the discrepancy is favourable or not others aspects need to be taken into consideration. Budgetary control is importante in the sense that it allows to make sure that

How do you write a report for being absent from work?

Normally, a note or a brief letter is used to report an absence from work, but if you are required to write a 'formal' report on your absence, here is a suggested format:Name of absentee:Date(s) of absence:Reason for absence: (Keep it brief and to the point, for example personal illness, family emergency, emergency hospitalization, victim of crime, etc.) If applicable... See attached doctor's note.Steps taken to mitigate absence (if applicable): Advised co-workers (name(s) of steps that should taken in my absence. Steps taken or materials prepared prior to absence to be available in the event of an absence.Issues arising from absence: Be honest.Steps taken to mitigate issues arising from absence: State what you have done since your return to fix any problems created by your absence.Signed:Date:

When writing checks for employees is the amount you put in before or after taxes are taken out?

You write a check to the employee for the amount after taxes are taken out.Then you write a check to the government (or do an electronic transfer) for the amount taken out.

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Advantages: It provides flexibility for operating under unknown circumstances, such asan extra margin for discretionary expenses in case budget assumptions oninflation are incorrect or adverse circumstances arise. Additional slack may be included to offset the costly setups from designchanges and/or small lot size orders. The increased pressure to meet current year earnings per share targets mayresult in postponing expenditures into the next year or aggressively pullingsales into the current year. Budgetary slack in the next year may compensatefor shifting those earnings from next year into the current year.Disadvantages: It decreases the ability to highlight weaknesses and take timely correctiveactions on problem areas. It decreases the overall effectiveness of corporate planning. Actions such aspricing changes or reduced promotional spending may be taken from aperceived need to improve earnings when eliminating the budgetary slackcould accomplish the same objective without marketplace changes. It limits the objective evaluation of departmental managers andperformance of subordinates by using budgetary information

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