The most important thing is you have to balance everyday. Good with numbers and people. If you have that you are a good teller. I was a teller until i was short 3k. I gave someone their check back after cashing it. they never came back with that check> i worked for MONEYTREE in Bellevue. Policy is that i had to pay that back. It was a relly good scam and i had to pay for it. ( not fair) you also have to look sharp al the time...
Like any other being in existence bank tellers make mistakes! We're not perfect, neither is anyone else!
Tellers Money Vault Guard Computers
Auctioneers do not have mandatory training. They can learn the craft through an apprenticeship or from an experienced auctioneer.
gay one
Bank tellers need to know subtraction and addition. and multiplicaiton and division. (arithmetic)
power training
you need at least 8 years of training to become certified
You need to train in the military.
Banks will offer their own training for many positions such as tellers. Other positions at banks require you to come with training such as IT support or accounting.
a degree
kill people
You do a lot of excercising and working
they need to have been in fashion school to.
they need to be able to mix drinks of what the people want.
you need to have training in cooking. you need education in science math and have good command of language- not a lot but hard to master!!