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bank account is a concrete noun.

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Q: What kind of noun is bank account?
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What is a bank accountant?

bank account  -noun 1. an account with a bank. 2. balance standing to the credit of a depositor at a bank.

Is saving account a bank account?

If you have a savings account at a bank, then it is a bank account. If you have it in another kind of institution, such as a Credit Union or Savings and Loan, then it is not a bank account, although some people use the term "bank account" loosely and apply it to any savings account anywhere.

Is checkbook a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'checkbook' is a common noun; a general word for preprinted, bound forms for written orders to a bank to pay a sum from the account stated on the form; a word for any checkbook of any kind.

How much does it cost to start a bank account at Bank of America?

To open a bank account with Bank of America, a customer must have anywhere from $25 to $100 for a deposit depending on what kind of account they are wanting to open.

Is it necessary for an individual to have account with the bank to be customer of that bank?

Yes. Only if a person has any kind of account relationship with the bank, he will be termed as a customer of the bank. It could be any account like say checking or loan or credit card or any kind or service the bank provides. If the person uses them, he becomes a customer of the bank.

What kind of bank account must an agent have if he collects premiums from clients?

joint account

Who is a client of a bank?

If a person has any kind of account relationship with the bank, he will be termed as a customer or a client of the bank. It could be any account like say checking or loan or credit card or any kind or service the bank provides. If the person uses them, he becomes a customer/client of the bank.

Is bank a common noun?

Yes, bank is a common noun, whether the snow plow builds it along the roadside or you put all your money in it, bank is a general word for any kind of bank. A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun for the word bank is the name of a bank, such as The Bank of New York. The word bank is also a verb and an adjective.

How can you put separate in a sentence with a proper noun?

Joe had to separate fact from fiction. Joe had a separate bank account from his wife's account.

What are the examples of contra voucher?

# Cash account to Bank account # Bank account to Cash account # Bank account to Bank account

Is there any kind of bank account in pakistan in which we can keep large money like 100 crore?

Savings account is the bank account in Pakistan in which a person can keep large amount of money such as 100 crore.

What bank account can some open at the age of 13?

Have a parent go with you and put their name with yours on any kind of account.