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they are exempt from paying income taxes

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Q: What is true for museums public school and YMCAs?
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Can you please tell me True Islamic school in Karachi for girls?

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trust me you do not want to be in public school you want to stay home schooled public school stinks its true you get picked on alot

I heard YMCAs often have rooms for rent. Is this true?

Yes, and the rates are fairly inexpensive. They offer workout facilitites, lockers, showers and clean.

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He ordered national guard troops to prevent intergration of a public school

Are most public school bands better than private?

People will have different opinions about whether public or private school bands are better, but most will probably agree that a generalization about most school bands is difficult to make. While there are some outstanding public school bands, there are also some that are average and some that are poor. The same is true for private school bands.

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Is it true that the aztec are known for their buildings and art?

Yes its True they ewre vry good at art and most found are in museums now.

Are most public schools dangerous for kids?

What you heard about public schools isn't true. Public schools are just as safe as private schools. Public schools depend on the neighborhood. If the school is located in a good neighborhood you have nothing to worry about.

True or false an important achievement of state governments in the south during reconstruction was the establishment of public school systems?

True. One important achievement of state governments in the South during Reconstruction was the establishment of public school systems. This was a significant step towards providing education opportunities for all children, regardless of their background or socio-economic status.

Is teaching creationism illegal?

Creationism is the basis of all religions, it is what science says is not true. Teaching it in a public school is illegal.