

Best Answer


Inflict cruel and unusual punishment

Legalized theft



Confiscation "effectively" without representation All of the above are true to at least some degree, and some are mostly true all of the time. Feel free to take your pick. If you disagree, then ask yourself the following: "When was the last time I wrote to my "elected representatives", and asked them to impose an additional, involuntary tax on my assets, my spending or on my income?" Look up the meaning of the word "impose", and realize that polite company will refrain from doing this. -- ANSWER--

A tax is "levied".

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Q: What is the word for impose taxes?
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Who had the power to impose taxes on the colonies?


Why did England decided to impose taxes on sugar and tea during the colonial era?

England decided to impose taxes on sugar and tea during the Colonial Era in order to?

Does Alabama impose tariffs?

Individual states in the United States are not able to impose their own tariffs, in the conventional sense of taxes on imports or exports. That power is reserved by the Contitution to the Federal government.However, individual states can impose other taxes, such as sales taxes, and some people might also call those tariffs, simply because they are taxes.

What does power to lay and collect taxes mean?

To lay and collect taxes is to impose a specific amount the taxes are, and to collect taxes is to literally collect the taxes from people.

Who has the power to impose taxes?

both national and state governments

What is th synonym for the word impose?

A synonym for the word "impose" is "enforce" or "inflict."

Why did the British parliament impose taxes on the colonists after why did the British parliament impose taxes on the colonists after 1763?

The taxes were to help pay for the French and Indian war. They reasoned that they were protecting the colonists and the colonists were English subjects so they should help pay for the war.

Who has power to impose excise taxes?

both national and state governments

What are examples of enumerated powers?

impose taxes and to trade with other nations

Why did the British impose new taxes on the colonie?

British imposed new taxes in order to pay their debt. :P

What rule is regarding state taxes and revenue that is not true?

states cannot impose taxes on a person's income and inheritance.

Use the word impose in a sentences?

I do not seek to impose my will on you. How long did the jury deliberate to impose their sentence?