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What would profit be is revenue is $3000, cost of goods are $1500 and expenses are $500

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Q: What is the profit if total revenue is 3000 cost of goods 1500 and total selling expenses are 500?
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If the total revenue is 3000 cost of goods is 1500 and total selling expense is 500 what is the profit for the business?

If total revenue is 3000, the cost of goods is 1500, and total selling expense is 500 then the profit made is 1000.

If total Revenue is 3000 Cost of Goods is 1500 and total Selling Expense is 500 what is the Profit for the business?

If total revenue is 3000, the cost of goods is 1500, and total selling expense is 500 then the profit made is 1000.

How business make a profit?

by selling goods at higher revenue than the cost it was paid for.

If total revenue is 3000 cost of goods is 1500 and total selling expense is 500 what is the profit?

Profit is the difference between your income (3000) and your expenses (1500 + 500) So add 1500 and 500, and subtract THAT from 3000. The answer is your profit- on which you will pay taxes.

Is income revenue?

Gross income could be considered revenue. In business, revenue is received payments. Profit is revenue less expenses and cost of goods sold, if applicable.

Cost of goods sold plus gross profit equals?

Cost of goods plus gross profit margin equals to total sales revenue of firm.

Is gross profit same as operating profit?

Gross profit and operating profits are two different values as gross profit only cater direct expenses to produce goods while operating profit is calculated after deducting indirect expenses and selling and administration overall called operational expenses to arrive at operating profitExample:Sales xxxxLess:Purchases xxxxGross Profit xxxxLess:Selling Expenses xxxxAdmin Expenses xxxxother expenses xxxxOperating Profit xxxxxIf there is no selling, admin or other expenses then gross profit and operating profit will be same.

What is the profit if total revenue is 3000 cost of goods is 1500 and total selling expense is 500?


How do you calculate the Gross Profit Margin?

The Gross Profit Margin is an expression of the Gross Profit as a percentage of Revenue. Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit/Revenue*100 [or] Gross Profit Margin = Revenue - (Cost of Sales)/Revenue*100 Cost of sales=it include all those expenses and income that will occur during manaufacturing and sales of goods and services

What is the difference between income and profit and revenue?

Revenue from operations is the amount of money brought in from the sale of goods and/or services; other revenue includes any gains made on investments or other non-operating activities. Income and profit are basically synonymous. Both terms refer to the amount of money you've made at the end of the operating cycle. In its simplest form, profit is revenue less expenses. If the amount of money spent on operations (expenses) is less than the amount of revenue earned, there is a profit; if expenses are more than revenues, there is a loss. On a multiple-step income statement, gross profit is sales less cost of goods sold, profit from operations is gross profit less expenses, profit before taxes is profit from operations plus or minus any gains or losses from other revenue and expenses and net profit (also called net income) is profit before taxes less income taxes.

What is profit mean?

The term profit is loosely used, and it is hard to actually define profitability. One way to explain the meaning of profit would be to take the difference between the revenues from the goods sold and the cost of those goods. Example: You sell $100 worth of food that cost you $50 to get. Revenue = 100 Cost of goods = 50 = PROFIT = $50 I believe this is otherwise known as "Profit Margin" But businesses are faced with other expenses such as... the cost for a chef to make the food. Let's say it costs $20 Chef/Kitchen expense: $20 PROFIT AFTER ALL EXPENSES: $30 Profit after all expenses is better known as Net Income. As you can see, it is hard to actually distinguish what profit is... and I believe that the most agreed upon answer would be Revenue-COST OF GOODS and does not include any expenses afterwards such as kitchen expense.

What is meaning of profit?

The term profit is loosely used, and it is hard to actually define profitability. One way to explain the meaning of profit would be to take the difference between the revenues from the goods sold and the cost of those goods. Example: You sell $100 worth of food that cost you $50 to get. Revenue = 100 Cost of goods = 50 = PROFIT = $50 I believe this is otherwise known as "Profit Margin" But businesses are faced with other expenses such as... the cost for a chef to make the food. Let's say it costs $20 Chef/Kitchen expense: $20 PROFIT AFTER ALL EXPENSES: $30 Profit after all expenses is better known as Net Income. As you can see, it is hard to actually distinguish what profit is... and I believe that the most agreed upon answer would be Revenue-COST OF GOODS and does not include any expenses afterwards such as kitchen expense.