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Q: What is the difference between miscellaneous expense and sundry expense?
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What is the difference between miscellaneous expense and other expenses?

Miscellaneous expenses means small sundry expenses of business while other expenses means expenses which are not directly related to the primary operations of business.

What can be categorized as Sundry expenses?

various and miscellaneous

What is difference between sundry debtors and sundry creditors?

Sundry Debtors are from whom we have to take money and to sundry creditors we owe money.

What is the difference between Sundry debtors And Sundry Creditors?

Sundry Debtors are from whom we have to take money and to sundry creditors we owe money.

What is the difference between a sundry debtor and a sundry creditor account?

sundry debtor is whom they baught goods on credit basis

What is the difference between trade debtors and sundry debtors?

The difference between trade debtors and sundry debtors is trade debtors are specific debts like credit cards. Sundry debtors are a wide variety of debtors that can be from any source.

What is the difference between creditors and sundry creditors?

You may have a category of sundry, or miscellaneous, creditors on the books for occasional or small vendor relationships, rather than setting up a separate vendor account for these infrequent relationships. With today's computerized accounting, such an account is seldom used, since it is very quick and easy to add a new vendor or make inactive an unused one.

What are the sundry expenses?

Sundry expenses means many of small business day to day expenses which cannot be put into specific expense head.

What is the difference between debtors and sundry debtors?

why debtors and creditors are called as sundry? Debtors = In general business terminology means Customers to whom the goods are sold on credit. Sundry = Various Therefore Sundry Debtors means Debtors for various reasons and not merely for Credit Sales.

What is meant by sundry charges?

Miscellaneous small or infrequent costs that are not assigned to individual ledger accounts but are classified as a group.

What is sundry credit and sundry deposit accounts in bank?

I have read somewhere that Bank can open only two accounts to credit miscellaneous items like sundry deposit account. Can anybody give me the relevant clause/law applicable in India to

What is sundry creditors and sundry debtors?

You may have a category of sundry, or miscellaneous, creditors on the books for occasional or small vendor relationships, rather than setting up a separate vendor account for these infrequent. If we provide some services to the vendors they are paying for our services therfore the person who are paying us becomes our sundry debtors.