Under current liability of uncertain amount liability is created on company although actual amount is unknown but in contingent liability, liability is not created on company unless specific date or time or occurence of any contingent action or activity.
Actual balance is the real balance while avialable balance is the physical balance
However, if there is a material difference between the expected and actual balance, the auditor will investigate this difference further. At this point the auditor will develop an explanation for the difference.
The difference between adjusted and Un-adjusted trial balance is that in adjusted trial balance the items of balance sheet and income statement are randomly but in adjusted trial balance the items are in tabular form.
A provision is when it's grater than 50% chance of happening where as a contingent is less than that. You show a provision on the accounts but not the contingent.
Under current liability of uncertain amount liability is created on company although actual amount is unknown but in contingent liability, liability is not created on company unless specific date or time or occurence of any contingent action or activity.
loans payable apear under liability on the balance sheet.
difference between third party liability and public liability
Contingent liabilities are liabilities that might be incurred and the outcome is uncertain. They are recorded when the future events are probable to happen and the amount can be estimated reasonably. They include obligations related to product warranties. A contingency is an existing situation where there is uncertainty about possible loss or gain that will not be resolved in the near future.
There is a difference between: Worksheet and Balance Sheet
Difference between horse liability and stableman coverage
what is the difference between balance n product modulator
In strict liability, there are certain defenses available whereas in absolute liability, there are none.
The difference between employers liability and public liability are simple. Employer liability insurance covers only claims made by the employees against the company. Public liability covers claims against the company by the general public as well as third parties claims.
No difference. It's the same thing