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Not exactly sure of the wording of your question but if you mean the term for past wages due I think it is retroactive pay. Hope that helped.

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Q: What is the definition of past wages due?
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What is the definition for net wages?

Wages after deductions for pensions, taxes etc.

Can hospital garnish wages for past due medical bills in the state of South Carolina?

Wages cannot be garnished by anyone except the courts. Organisations and individuals must apply through the courts

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It is very unlikely that one will go to jail on a past due jewelry bill. You may have your wages garnished if you go without paying the bill for too long of a time.

Can you be past due and still get a car loan?

Depends on your definition of past due. If you mean past due "by a few days late all the time", then yes you can still get a loan. If you mean past due "30 days or more past due here and there or infrequently then it may be more difficult but yes you can still get a loan. It will refect in the rate and terms offered-the more past due, the higher the rate. If you are "constantly late, then probably not! Your credit reports will refect payments that are 30 days or more past due (ex: due on the 1st and pd after the 1st of the following month), they will not refect payments that are 10 or 15 days past due.

Which liability account would hold the balance of wages due but not yet paid?

Wages payable account is shown under liability section for those wages which are due but not yet paid

Can a volunteer sue a nonprofit for wages?

A volunteer, by definition, is an unpaid position.

What is the definition of wages under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act?

Included under the definition of employees for futa purposes are

Can your new partners wages be held for your back support in Iowa?

No. However, the State can place liens on assets jointly owned by you and your new partner, to collect past-due support.

Is wages due debit or credit?

wages is expense and expense is debit salary is income and income is credit

Are military wages exempt from garnishment for Texas residents?

Military wages are exempt from garnishment in every state under the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act. But, it is a violation of UCMJ (Universal Code of Military Justice--military regulations) to be dishonorably indebted (past due or defaulted).