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Depends on your state.

The amount of the administrator's fee, and when it gets paid, depends on the law of your state.

Here in California, the administrators fee is set as a graduated percentage of the value of the estate plus an additional amount if the administrator performs any extraordinary services. It is only paid after the court approves it and generally at the end of administration. Other states have different laws.

Other states have different laws. You should ask an attorney in the state where the estate is probated for the rules of your state.

Although this general answer is provided by an attorney, it should not be taken as legal advice regarding your particular situation and no attorney-client relationship is established. For help with your particular legal situation, please consult with an attorney.

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Administrators fees are set by law. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate or perform an internet search in the probate laws in your jurisdiction.

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What is the monthly service charge for Bank of America?

The service charge is $1,000 a month.

What is the IRS clothing allowance per month for a family of four?

Per IRS Allowable Living Expense National Standards chart effective 04/02/2012, $244 for a family of four. It actually says "Apparel & services."

Advantage of fixed charge?

An advantage of a fixed charge is that a payment will be the same from one month or week to the next. This helps businesses plan for the future based on actual cash outflow.

What is the good things about a charge account?

A charge account can be helpful because if you need to make a purchase you can charge it to a little piece of hard plastic and get what you want. Finding the money in the long run to pay it back can often be hard though, and when making a purchase you probably want to think about if you will have the money in the next month or at the end of that month to pay it back. Thanks, Carley :)

How is a charge card different from a credit card?

A charge card you have to pay the full balance at the end of the month. You can buy as much as you want, but you must pay at the end of the month. A credit card will give you a limit of $xxxx and you can pay that off over years and build the interest until you can never pay it off. So essentially you can buy a yaht with a charge card but not a credit card. The downside to the charge card is the fact that if you cant pay up in full every month, they will gut you worse than a credit card would. Also, charge cards carry an annual fee for their generous rewards points and the risk they incur by backing you.

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neither begining or end of month lets say you signed up on 10/15/2012 then netflix will charge you on the 15th of every month

What is the monthly service charge for Bank of America?

The service charge is $1,000 a month.

Can l charge live in maid room and board US?

Sure pay them 500 a month then charge 500 a month rent its called slavery

Is there an extra charge in the WWE network?

Yes there is a extra charge it is not $9.99 a month it is a little over charge making it $10.59

Does Xbox live charge per hour?

They charge you by month or year depending on how you setup your account.

What is the allowable earnings with social security?

The 2010 cap is $106,800.00, which would result in 6621.60 (6.2%) being withheld. There is no cap on the Medicare insurance contribution amount, so the 1.45% amount will continue to be withheld on all earnings, and will be matched by your employer at 1.45% for a total 3.90% for the year.

A month named for Roman two faced god in charge of doors?

That would be Janus! The month is January.