This code is for all branches in Standard Bank
The bank where the account was opened. Typically the bank address on the check.
branch code for standard bank uitenhage
what is the address for Bank of America ABA 026009593
632005 used for all absa electronic banking - you do not need the domicile branch code anymore.
011 7712600
The physical address of Standard Bank varies depending on the branch location. It is recommended to visit the Standard Bank website or contact their customer service for specific branch addresses.
Standard Chartered Bank is located in Hong Kong China. The address for this bank is, 33 Canton Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong.
I mean email address for Mr Andrew Abel
how about 'Standard Bank of South Africa Queens town Branch'
bdfbf thserththsrth
369 west street
2 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP
Standard Bank of South Africa, International Trade Centre, 500 Tsitsa Street, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, South Africa, Swift address is SBZAZAJJ.
cot code