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Fixed Deposit :

Deposit certain amount for certain period of time either monthly/yearly and fetching of amount is optional. If you need to get the FD amount in 1 year (example), interest will be added with the actual amount . The interesting rate is depends on your bank.

Recurring Deposit :

Deposit fixed amount in regular time period. At final you will get the total amount with specific interest.

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Q: What is the Difference between fixed deposit and recurring deposit?
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Is fixed deposit and recurring deposit rate of interest is same?

No. In most cases the rate of interest offered on fixed deposits and recurring deposits is different. Usually the rate of interest on a fixed deposit is much higher than a recurring deposit because you will be depositing the entire amount in one shot and leave it with the bank for the duration whereas in a recurring deposit you'll pay only the part of the money at a time. So the difference.

What are the different types of fixings?

Recurring deposits, fixed deposit, saving deposit

Types of recurring deposit?

Recurring deposit can be classified into two types: 1. Fixed Recurring Deposit: In this the installment amount remains fixed for the entire tenor of RD from the time of booking. 2. Flexible Recurring Deposit: In the installment amount can be changed during any part of the tenor as and when the customer decides to increase or decrease his installment amount.

What is the difference between fixed deposit and non convertible debenture?

fixed deposit has its fixed term, but debenture does not have any term. fixed deposit can be invested in eqty,debt or any other , but the debenture is debt only.

Which is better recurring deposit or fixed deposit?

Actually both of them have their own benefits and drawbacks. In terms of rate of interest an fixed deposit will give you more interest than a recurring deposit. In terms of ease of operation and opening a recurring deposit is easier because it will need much less contribution and on a regular basis whereas you need to deposit in lumpsum in case of a FD.

What is the Difference between term deposit and reccuring deposit?

Recurring Deposit: A Recurring Deposit account is one in which the customer deposits a small sum of money (usually a few hundred or thousands) every month. The bank accepts a deposit every month and at the end of the deposit period (usually 12 months or higher) the bank would return the money deposited with them along with a good interest. Term Deposit: A Term Deposit or a Fixed Deposit (FD) Account is one in which the customer deposits a big sum of money (Usually a few thousands and upwards. There is actually no limit to the amount of money you can deposit in a FD) for a fixed duration of time (Atleast 3 months or higher). Since you agree to keep the money deposited with the bank for a fixed/agreed upon duration, the bank gives you a very good interest as payment for keeping the deposit

Difference between deposit account and call account?

Fixed Deposit Call Account -There is a fix Maturity -There is no Fix Maturity -Terms of Deposit are generally fixed -Terms Generally Varies -Deposit and withdrals can not be made at - Deposit and Withdrals can be made Any Time at any time

What are recurring deposit accounts?

The Recurring deposit account is an account in the bank (or a Post office in some countries) where an investor deposits a fixed amount of money every month for a fixed tenure (mostly ranging from one year to five years). This scheme is meant for investors who want to deposit a fixed amount every month, in order to get a lump sum after some years. The small monthly savings in the Recurring Deposit scheme enable the depositor to accumulate a handsome amount on maturity. Interest at term deposit rates is computable on quarterly compounded basis.

Advantages of recurring deposit?

In terms of ease of operation and opening a recurring deposit is easier because it will need much less contribution and on a regular basis whereas you need to deposit in lumpsum in case of a FD. But, the rate of interest is less than Fixed Deposits. But it is much easier to use and operate.

Difference between certificate of deposit and fixed deposit?

A certificate of deposit or CD is a time deposit, a financial product commonly offered to consumers by banks. A fixed deposit is the same thing as a CD but the term is more often used in south-east Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, etc while certifcate of deposit is used in North American countries and likewise.

Define a reccuring deposit?

The Recurring deposit account is an account in the bank (or a Post office in some countries) where an investor deposits a fixed amount of money every month for a fixed tenure (mostly ranging from one year to five years). This scheme is meant for investors who want to deposit a fixed amount every month, in order to get a lump sum after some years. The small monthly savings in the Recurring Deposit scheme enable the depositor to accumulate a handsome amount on maturity. Interest at term deposit rates is computable on quarterly compounded basis.