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Q: What is the Difference between an implicit cost and explicit cost?
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What is the difference between implicit and explicit theory?

explicit is the market value of all inputs purchased by a producer while implicit cost is the market value of inputs owned by the producer himself.

1 Explicit cost and Implicit cost are the two dimensions of cost What role does cost play in financial decisions?

Explicit cost and Implicit cost are the two dimensions of cost What role does cost play in financial decisions?

Why accounting profit is higher than economic profit?

First of all, we need to understand what is explicit cost and implicit cost. Explicit cost mean real expenses, while implicit cost mean opportunity cost. In accounting profit, we only minus explicit cost, while in economic profit we minus explicit cost and implicit cost. therefore accounting profit is higher than economic profit.

Why are costs important in economics?

How do firms incorporate opportunity cost to calculate economic cost? discuss and give example using an explicit economic cost and an implicit economic cost.

5 Give a brief description of a implicit and explicit cost b actual and opportunity cost?

Fcuk u. Go n search it urself.

The explicit costs of going to college include?

Tuition costs and the cost of books, whereas the implicit costs include foregone income.

Difference between accounting profit and economist's profit?

The accounting profit is the difference between total revenue and total cost excluding the economic cost (opportunity cost) of owner-supplied resources such as time and capital. At the other hand, In the economic cost, we include the opportunity cost in our calculations. · When total revenue exceeds both explicit and implicit costs, the firm earns economic profit. · Economic profit is smaller than accounting profit Another answer culed be: Economic Profit is slightly different than accounting profit, which merely the firm's total revenues minus its total costs. Economic profit is defined as total revenues minus total operating costs minus opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is defined as the cost of the profits you forgo by not doing another activity. For example the opportunity costs of opening a lemonade stand is equal to the difference between the accounting profits of the lemonade stand minus the accounting profits of a more profitable hot dog stand.

Are depreciation charges implicit cost?

yes, depreciation is an implicit cost. but this implicit cost is added to total costs in calculating accounting profits.

Difference between imputed and implicit cost?

According to the "Bible" for accounting terminology, Barron's Dictionary of Accounting Terms, 5th Edition, they are the same. In fact, when you look up implicit cost, it refers you to imputed cost. This is the definition of imputed cost: "A cost that is implied but not reflected in the financial reports of the firm: also called implicit cost. Imputed costs consist of opportunity costs of time and capital that the manage has invested in producing the given quantity of production and the opportunity costs of making a particular choice among the alternatives being considered."

Difference between implicit cost and Opportunity cost?

Opportunity CostOpportunity cost is a cost associated with a decision that includes both the explicitand implicitcosts. The unique aspect of opportunity cost is that it also includes costs associated with making an alternate decision. The costs associated with an alternative are called implicit costs. The accounting cost of making a decision is called the explicit cost.While explicit, or accounting, costs are fairly easy to calculate, implicit costs are not as easy. Measuring the cost of the best foregone alternative can be not as easy as anticipated. By reading this Wiki right now, you are paying an implicit cost of your next best alternative. This can and often will be different for everyone. For you, it may be that the next best alternative instead of reading this is watching television. For someone else, it may be surfing the internet.IMPLICIT COSTA cost that is represented by lost opportunity in the use of a company's own resources, excluding cash. These are intangible costs that are not easily accounted for. For example, the time and effort that an owner puts into the maintenance of thecompany|companyrather than working on expansion.EXPLICIT COSTA business expense that is easily identified and accounted for. Explicit costs represent clear, obvious outflows from a business that reduce its bottom-line profitability. This contrasts with less-tangible expenses such as goodwill amortization, which are not as clear cut regarding their effects on a business's bottom-line value. Good examples of explicit costs would be items such as wage expense, rent or lease costs, and the cost of materials that go into the production of goods. With these expenses, it is easy to see the source of the cash outflow and the business activities to which the expense is attributed

Give a brief description of implicit and explicit cost?

Explicit costs are payments the firm makes for inputs such as wages and salaries to its employees, whereas implicit costs are non-expenditure costs that occur through the use of self owned resources such as foregone income.

What is the difference between an economic cost and accounting cost?

Economic costs look refers to a combination of accounting costs(Explicit costs),Implicit costs and opportunity costs. Accounting costs only considers financial and costs incurred or agreed to be payed in order to produce a good or a service.