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Generally Service Revenue is nothing more than Revenue made by providing a service. If you paint a persons house for $5,000, you provided a service and the Revenue you brought in due to that service is considered SERVICE REVENUE.

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Q: What is service revenue on an income statement?
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Where does unearned service revenue go on a multiple step income statement?

unearned service revenue is on the balance sheet not the income statement so the answer is nowhere. service revenue is on the income statement under revenues.

What type of revenue is reported in the other income section of the multiple step income statement?

unearned service revenue is on the balance sheet not the income statement so the answer is nowhere. service revenue is on the income statement under revenues. unearned service revenue is on the balance sheet not the income statement so the answer is nowhere. service revenue is on the income statement under revenues Looking after a customer, particularly a customer who places allot of business with you so that you keep and grow that business and the relationship you have with the customer (to stop them going

Where does rent revenue go on an income statement?

Rent revenue appears under the Non-Operating Revenue Section on the income statement.

Where does other or rent revenue go on the income statement?

Other or rent revenue is also revenue which is not from basic operations of business that's why this revenue is shown as other revenue in income statement.

Does interest revenue go on income statement?

Yes all revenues are part of income statement and interest revenue also that’s why it is shown in income statement as other income.

Where does dividend revenue go on a multiple-step income statement?

Dividend revenue is shown as other revenue section of profit and loss section of income statement.

Service revenue on a balance sheet?

I'm not sure I fully understand your question. Revenue would never be on a balance sheet, it is an income statement account.

Is revenue part of an income statement?

Yes revenues and expenses are part of income statement and difference between revenue and expenses is called net income or loss.

Would service revenue appear on the balance sheet?

Service revenue will appear on the income statement as a revenue account. It will indirectly effect the balance sheet in that it will be accompanied by an increase in either cash, accounts receivable, unbilled revenue (assets) or a decrease in unearned revenue (liability).

Is revenue an income statement account?


What is the first section on an income statement?


The sections of an income statement are?

*Heading *Revenue *Expenses *Net income