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Sundry Debtor is a person who bought goods or received service from us (Customer)

Sundry Creditor is a person whom we received the goods are service

(Our Vendor)

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Q: What is mean by sundry debtor and sundry creditor?
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What is the difference between a sundry debtor and a sundry creditor account?

sundry debtor is whom they baught goods on credit basis

What is sundry debtor and sundry creditor?

If we provide some services to the vendors they are paying for our services therefore the person who are paying us becomes our sundry debtors.

What is mean by Sundry Creditor?

It is the company expenses.

Sundry creditors shows?

sundry creditor shows credit balance

What is sundry debtor?

If we provide some services to the vendors they are paying for our services therefore the person who are paying us becomes our sundry debtor. Sundry Debtor is simply called as account recievable i.e for retailer is customer, for wholesaler is retailer.

What is the definition of a sundry debtor?

Sundry debtors means the debtor to whom goods are sold on credit for various reason not merely goods sell on credit.

How do you double entry when your debtor has paid your creditor for you?

credit the debtor and debit the creditor

What is the definition of sundry debtors and sundry creditors?

The person to whom you have sold goods.(Consumer is the debtor.)

What is the Classification of sundry debtor in balance sheet?

Sundry debtor is someone who has debt to be paid to goods sold. Goods sold could also be services rendered.

What is the definition for sundry debtor in Tamil?

payment to supplier

What is the meaning of sundry debtor?

it is the group of small debtors

What is a Debtor and Creditor?

A debtor is someone who owes you money. A creditor is the person that lent the money.