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An "exit line" is the last line before an actor departs the stage, and the entries are when the first line is spoken.

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Q: What is entries and exits in a drama?
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What are entries and exits in drama?

The entries in drama are to tell about what is happening in the story . Exits are telling what could of happen in the story.

What is entries and exits in drama?

An "exit line" is the last line before an actor departs the stage, and the entries are when the first line is spoken.

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Exits are called exits, or way out

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Bhagavadgita is sacred scripture of Hindus. Gita it self is sacred and should be treated as divine. The basic essence is soul alone exits and the rest is drama on the stage.

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There are thousands of American companies operating in China across various industries including technology, manufacturing, and services. The exact number can change over time due to new market entries and exits.

How many exits are there in Virginia?

There are 173 exits in Virginia.

What is the difference between adjusting entries and correcting entries?

Correcting entries correct errors. Adjusting entries fine tune the accounts.

What comes first closing journal entries or post closing entries?

Closing entries comes first as name shows post closing entries are after closing entries and it is as simple as name suggests.