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Any asset with the useful life of one or more than one year is Non-Expendable asset.

Any asset with the useful life of less than one year is Expendable asset.

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Q: What is difference between expendable and non expendable assets?
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What is the difference between non current asset and plant asset?

plant assets comes under non current assets. now non current assets are those which are not easily feasible in cash like land, building or other fixed properities.

What is the difference between assets and fixes assets?

Assets have of two types Current Assets Non-Current/ Fixed Assets Current Assets are those which company utilizes in one fiscal year for example, material, Fixed assets are those assets which company utilizes for more than one fiscal year for example, machinery, plant, equipment etc

What is the difference between fixed assets and current assets?

current assets areflexible in nature ' easy encash fixed assets are fixed in nature ;non-moving assets are not easy to encash regulary [by:naruto akiem]

What is difference between fixed asset and current asset?

The difference between current assets and fixed assets as follows: Current assets are flexible in nature, easy to encashable and floating money to company. Fixed assets are fixed in nature in other words non-moving assets, not easy to encash, and are regularly depreciated. Classification: Current assets: Cash - at hand and at bank Inventories Sundry Debtors Advance and Deposits Fixed Assets: Land and Building Furniture and Fittings Tools and tackles Plant and Machinery Computer (including assessories and UPS)

What is difference between fixed asset and non current asset?

Current asset appears first in the balance sheet such as cash, accounts receivable and inventory. Fixed assets are those such as land, buildings, vehicles, furnitures, office equipments. In short, fixed assets are also known as non-current asset. It can also be known as capital assets or plant, property and equipment.

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What is the difference between fixed assets and non current assets?

Fixed assets and non-current assets are basically the same. Both are defined as assests that are utilized or depreciated by a company over the course of more than a year.

What is the difference between non current asset and plant asset?

plant assets comes under non current assets. now non current assets are those which are not easily feasible in cash like land, building or other fixed properities.

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What is the difference between assets and fixes assets?

Assets have of two types Current Assets Non-Current/ Fixed Assets Current Assets are those which company utilizes in one fiscal year for example, material, Fixed assets are those assets which company utilizes for more than one fiscal year for example, machinery, plant, equipment etc

What is the difference between fixed assets and current assets?

current assets areflexible in nature ' easy encash fixed assets are fixed in nature ;non-moving assets are not easy to encash regulary [by:naruto akiem]

What is difference between fixed asset and current asset?

The difference between current assets and fixed assets as follows: Current assets are flexible in nature, easy to encashable and floating money to company. Fixed assets are fixed in nature in other words non-moving assets, not easy to encash, and are regularly depreciated. Classification: Current assets: Cash - at hand and at bank Inventories Sundry Debtors Advance and Deposits Fixed Assets: Land and Building Furniture and Fittings Tools and tackles Plant and Machinery Computer (including assessories and UPS)

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What is difference between fixed asset and non current asset?

Current asset appears first in the balance sheet such as cash, accounts receivable and inventory. Fixed assets are those such as land, buildings, vehicles, furnitures, office equipments. In short, fixed assets are also known as non-current asset. It can also be known as capital assets or plant, property and equipment.

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