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Income earned

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Q: What is assessable income?
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What is Before tax income after tax income?

Before tax income is gross income less allowable deductions and rebates = assessable income. After tax income is assessable income less the applicable income tax

Is Income from illegal activities is not assessable to income tax?

ALL income form any source should be considered when calculating income tax.

Multiple choice question of taxation law of Australia?

Elizabeth owns and operates a furniture store where she buys new and used furniture to on-sell to the public. On 1August 2012 she purchased an ornate display cabinet for $10000 as an item of trading stock. She put the cabinet in her showroom and it had a sale price of $14900. However she liked the item so much that she decided to use it for personal purposes from 1 October 2012 when the replacement price was $12600. What are the tax consequences of using the item for personal use? Elizabeth will include $10000 in her assessable income. Elizabeth will include $4900 in her assessable income. Elizabeth will include $2600 in her assessable income. Elizabeth will include $14900 in her assessable income. Elizabeth will include $12600 in her assessable income.

Are managers and experts within the assessable unit?

Assessable unit administrators are managers and experts within the Assessable Unit

Managers and experts within the assessable unit?

Assessable unit administrators are managers and experts within the Assessable Unit

What is an assessable income?

hi there to my idea assesable income is every single income that come from the main or normal activity of the company! Just say a computer company, the assesable income are the sell of the computer, spare part as well as software. Good luck

Who is responsible for designating the assessable units (and assessable unit managers) within the organization.?


Is responsible for designating the assessable units (and assessable unit managers) within the organization.?


Who is the principle manager or head of the assessable unit with authority and responsibility over the internal controls of the assessable unit?


Who must establish internal controls base on a document risk assessment?

Assessable Unit Manager

When will hydrogen be assessable to the public?

its assessable now, just take a course in Chemistry or buy a chemistry set and you can assess it all you want.

What is another word for quantitative?

calculable, assessable